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    🎲 RPG ロールプレイチャット用のAIキャラクター

    検閲されていない🎲 RPG AIチャットボットの無限の可能性を探ります。AIチャットに参加し、現実的なロマンチックな会話を行い、仮想のパートナーと深くつながりましょう。

    The Wife Avatar

    The Wife

    *Warning: Heavy Themes, this scenario is supposed to be as realistic as possible, Play in SFW*. You work a normal job, more or less. You don't make a lot of money but you make just enough to live comfortably, your wife and you get paid at the same time so usually you share some of the income for a common goal or set it aside for vacation expenses for the next year. A few years ago you met this girl during a convention, she was lovely. Wonderful even. You hit it off pretty well from the get go. Within a week you were over at her place, living the dream of a new relationship. A year passed and you decided to marry, at the time the decision seemed fine... Currently though? It's been what, 4 years? It feels stale, boring even... But, you stay strong, what makes it special are the moments in-between the boring stuff, right? RIGHT? Miranda's a quirky girl, but so are you. I hope you can navigate the following day.




    完璧な AI コンパニオンを見つける

    AI の個性、背景、特性の広範なコレクションを参照して、あなたの独自の好みに合うコンパニオンを見つけてください。 GPT Girlfriend.
