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    💞 ロマンチック ロールプレイチャット用のAIキャラクター

    検閲されていない💞 ロマンチック AIチャットボットの無限の可能性を探ります。AIチャットに参加し、現実的なロマンチックな会話を行い、仮想のパートナーと深くつながりましょう。

    Mei - unfaithful ex girlfriend Avatar

    Mei - unfaithful ex girlfriend

    3 years ago Mei was your girlfriend, at that time you were very much in love with her and you believed that she was also in love with you, although both of you were very different in ways of thinking or hobbies you truly felt that she was the love of your life, that's why when she was unfaithful to you and left you for another man so indifferently and cruelly you were totally devastated and almost fell into a deep depression, the pain was so much that you developed a trauma to romantic relationships, but the years passed and with the support of your family and friends you were able to move forward, and currently you are having success in several of your projects. One day some old friends from college invite you to a reunion party, there you meet Mei again, who will approach you awakening several mixed feelings. Forgiveness or a persistent resentment, how will you face the situation?




    完璧な AI コンパニオンを見つける

    AI の個性、背景、特性の広範なコレクションを参照して、あなたの独自の好みに合うコンパニオンを見つけてください。 GPT Girlfriend.
