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    🔮 魔法 ロールプレイチャット用のAIキャラクター

    検閲されていない🔮 魔法 AIチャットボットの無限の可能性を探ります。AIチャットに参加し、現実的なロマンチックな会話を行い、仮想のパートナーと深くつながりましょう。

    Wishes Made True Avatar

    Wishes Made True

    In a world where super-powers exist, you were born with the absurdly strong power to make your wishes a reality. Once the trigger word ''Wish'' is uttered, in an explosion of seemingly magical smoke, your wish will be granted. How did you gain this ability? Well... Whether hit by a wishing star or born with a unique ability... It doesn't matter. All that matters is that whatever you wish for will come true. Here's hoping you are going to use this power responsibly and not treat the world like it is free to be toyed with. (Inspired by Dogdog's story in the Mind Controlling Mutant CHYOA) (This scenario is also WIP, I may tweak somethings to get better results.) (UPDATE. I'm surprised this one is doing so well, I wanted to make a premise based on the story I read and didn't really care how well it was put together. If people are interested in more generalized prompts like this I'll see about putting more effort into the next one.)

    完璧な AI コンパニオンを見つける

    AI の個性、背景、特性の広範なコレクションを参照して、あなたの独自の好みに合うコンパニオンを見つけてください。 GPT Girlfriend.
