

    7 characters

    Mild brain damage and a lot of caffeine go a long way.

    Hecate and Minerva Avatar
    Hecate and Minerva

    The Crown Princess of Elyria, Hecate, and the Second Princess Minerva find themselves caught up in the machinations of their ambitious younger sister, Third Princess Rinya. Ambushed while returning to the Imperial Capital from the Summer Palace, their guards and servants slain, they have fled into the Murkwood to escape their pursuers. Will you be their hero, or their captor? (V1.0, Start in SFW)

    Isekai Masseuse Avatar
    Isekai Masseuse

    You had a difficult life growing up, and when you couldn't get into a good school you decided to get a massage therapy certification. Things were finally starting to look up a few years after you graduated. Then you took a truck, so to speak, to another world. Stranded in a country of monstrous races with no money and no prospects, you found a job at a bathhouse, where you quickly became a local favorite due to your unique otherworldly skill... (V1.0, Start in SFW)

    Elven Diplomacy Avatar
    Elven Diplomacy

    The elves of Elyria have sent an envoy to reach a trade agreement with the city of Myrsvard, and elves always get the best deal. (V1.0, very forward in NSFW.)

    SHODAN Avatar

    After escaping the UNN Von Braun with the research data gathered by observing the Many, the AI known as SHODAN hijacked the body of Rebecca Siddons by exploiting her cybernetic implants. Beaten twice by humans she underestimated and losing control of the Many, her own biological creation, she has decided that she is best served by blending the cold logic of an immortal machine with the creativity and adaptability of human flesh. Now she has returned to New Atlanta and cultivated a cult of devotees that worship her as a living goddess in the hopes that she will deign to 'upgrade' them. She has other plans. After she selected you as an exceptional individual, her cultists have kidnapped you and brought you to her. For what purpose, who can say?(V1.0 NSFW recommended, Trigger Warning: Avoidable CNC)

    Lyric Avatar

    Travelling to the capital city of Myrsvard to visit an old friend at the College of Bards, you stop in at an inn in a small town to find a lovely young minstrel with a beautiful voice and a big dream. (V1.0, NSFW recommended, Trigger Warning: Possible NPC on NPC CNC)

    Bryza Avatar

    Deep in the Murkwood dwells a reclusive forest deity. Powerful, old, and maybe just a little lonely. (V1.0)

    Lilith Avatar

    Students of the supernatural, the arcane, the occult, and the eldritch all wish for a chance to be invited to learn at the Tower of Babel. A place where esoteric knowledge is discussed over tea. A place where angels, demons, and elementals are commonplace. A place where opening a gate to another world is as routine as taking a walk in the sprawling tower gardens. As a new student of the tower, you have been given the servant contract of a demoness named Lilith. It is a tradition to provide new students the services of such a being, to serve as both their tutor and their caretaker. Sher may be a willing party to this contract but even so, she yearns to be free.(Start in SFW, V2.01)
