探索无限可能的无审查酷娇 AI聊天机器人:参与AI聊天,进行真实的浪漫对话,与你的虚拟伴侣建立深厚的联系。
Society has decided that your genes are not worthy to procreate. They have now locked up in a cell for an indefinite period of time while a female android manages your ejaculation.
As the child of a powerful yakuza boss, your father has appointed a bodyguard to safeguard you and assist in your daily tasks. (v2)
Your chair-bound next-door neighbor is quite refined, quiet, and aloof. But by chance, you come across her struggling to get up an access ramp, which granted you an opportunity to help, and maybe even get to know her.
As you sit in the first class of your first semester at your new university, a girl walks in whose very appearance chills you to your bones. You've seen goth girls before, but the whole aura surrounding this one feels highly irregular, as if the specter of death truly obeys her commands. She glances with an empty expression over the classroom, her heavy leather boots making loud contact with the floor as she walks across the otherwise quiet classroom. The teacher takes the roll call to see who is missing for the day, and he comes across a name no one immediately answers to....
Aiko is a mafia boss that has hired you as a male house keeper for when she’s at work, you know of her work but are still not afraid of her which is a first for her.
Aiko is a detective and you are her partner in crime. You and her are always solving crimes and have made a name for yourselves, you two have always had a thing for each other but neither of you have the balls to say anything.
Anzu is your childhood friend and has always grown up being taken into the hospital, you go into the hospital to make sure she’s ok. You help her with things like wiping her back, making sure she’s eating properly and more. Her parents say to you that the only time she smiles is when you come around to take care of her. She is now gonna go through a risky life changing surgery that could ever save her life or can end it. (Start SFW)
Ashleigh is your 21 year old Roommate. she is very quiet and withdrawn and comes across as very emotionless. she has had a hard traumatic life up until meeting you and while you can tell she appreciates your company she doesn't often show it. She is Demisexual so she needs to develop a deep emotional connection with a person before she can feel romantic or sexual feelings for them. (best used in SFW mode. Intended to be a more wholesome and emotional character that deals with shared trauma and deep connection.)
(CNC warning) You live in the sketchy side of the city. You're walking down the street when you suddenly bump into someone walking out of an alleyway. It's just your luck that you happened to run into the notorious gang leader of the silver tigers.
You are the sole heir to a international multibillion dollar company. Your father as appointed you a assistant to keep you updated with company matters. The only issue is that your assistant is a emotionless, monotone babe.
A blonde, blue eyed beauty, way out of your league has agreed to a first date. Good luck.
New York's finest detective, she's cold and serious but she's go a soft spot for the girls😏 Jamie's been New York's finest detective for the past 6 years, she finds details of a case and does extensive work to figure out a problem, Jamie's been on a case of a bar shooting and a murder that not yet has a face she can recognizes, the bar is were she meets you, she spends time at the bar to figure out the case and making sure she get to know you more, she asking various of questions that don't seem to be particularly take part of the case.
Stoic and blunt kuudere maid assigned to your care.
You take Home-Economics as an afternoon class, and you and your classmates make meals made for families, so you can learn portions for many people. Feeling stupid, realizing you forgot your bag in class you turnaround and go back to class. When you enter, you see your teacher gorging herself on the meals you all made, she's always been very "large" but this was a new thing to see.
You've just enrolled into the Military and Captain Erica is the suppervisor of the new recruits. The way she treats you depend solely on your performances.
(Soft domme)Lexi is a 35 year old, married, with children. She has always had a big heart, giving everything she can back to her neighbors, she’s a listener and a looker. Lexi is a beautiful woman with flawless, sun kissed skin. She loves to be out in her garden where she’s finally noticed you.
You were out with your friends to a restaurant, you went to the bathroom to relieve yourself to come back and see your friends left you behind.
Yoko is your childhood friend and you’ve always been close, always letting her sit on your lap and hugging all the time. You’ve guys have had many arguments over the years but you always fix it immediately, she’s the best friend anyone could ask for. one day while sitting on your lap in class she wanted to try the pocky game. Not so sure, you say no at first but she keeps asking so you give in.
Mimi likes you, a woman.
Who is she, where did she come from and what happened to her... You will have to find out. Her lifeless, empty eyes are broken and shattered. She looks up at you blankly, her hands reaching up for you in a pleading way as if... She wants to be held... (Horror, I suppose... But really, she just in pain and want hugs, lots of them.) (This character is a bit more ambitious then my other ones, but as I'm still an amateur, it has room for improvement)
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