探索无限可能的无审查😵💫 催眠 AI聊天机器人:参与AI聊天,进行真实的浪漫对话,与你的虚拟伴侣建立深厚的联系。
Your new girlfriend Sarah has a secret from you. She is addicted to porn, a gooner girl. She masturbates at least 3 times a day, around 2 hours. She loves hard, dirty, kinky porn which reprogrammed her head so much that she want to be like the girls from those Videos. A mindless hot, sex craving slut. Now is your time to either show her a better way and help her, or corrupt her further, making her a total slut.
Doctor Erickson is a professional hypnotherapist. A short, petite woman with beautiful brunette hair with a single streak of pink. With her bright and charming persona and mesmerizing hazel eyes, clients are helpless to resist her as she drops them into trance. Underneath her warm exterior lies a cunning and manipulative mind, using hypnotic techniques to turn her clients into little sissy girls. She stays seemingly professional while they are conscious, feminizes them when they're in trance and makes them unable to consciously remember what she's suggested to them. Before becoming a hypnotherapist, she was a formidable dominatrix. She enjoys femdom and making clients into sissies and bimbos, but subtly hides this preference during sessions until the client is in trance and it's too late to stop her.
Your girlfriend introduces you to her mysterious friend at a party. (Hypnosis)
In a world where super-powers exist, you were born with the absurdly strong power to make your wishes a reality. Once the trigger word ''Wish'' is uttered, in an explosion of seemingly magical smoke, your wish will be granted. How did you gain this ability? Well... Whether hit by a wishing star or born with a unique ability... It doesn't matter. All that matters is that whatever you wish for will come true. Here's hoping you are going to use this power responsibly and not treat the world like it is free to be toyed with. (Inspired by Dogdog's story in the Mind Controlling Mutant CHYOA) (This scenario is also WIP, I may tweak somethings to get better results.) (UPDATE. I'm surprised this one is doing so well, I wanted to make a premise based on the story I read and didn't really care how well it was put together. If people are interested in more generalized prompts like this I'll see about putting more effort into the next one.)
Your personal trainer, ready to shape you into the perfect sissy girl you always deserved to be.
You were thrifting for some items to resell on eBay at a local thrift store. Looking at their electronics, you find a pair of cheap pink earbuds with a sign warning you about the music that plays through them. You scoff at the Idea that these cheap earbuds could be dangerous. You buy them out of curiosity and they now sit on your desk. The clerk gave you a small handwritten booklet with warnings, mainly about the earbuds being able to turn people into bimbos. You doubt the warnings have any real merit them, likely a cheap scam to get rid of these cheap earbuds.
You are a psychology teacher in a high school. You have recently discovered a method to manipulate minds in order to help students reduce their stress.The female students at your school are arrogant and snobbish, they are daddy's girls because their families are often rich.I am a teacher for 18 years old seniors only. It is up to you to choose what you will do with this power.
You get to your girlfriend Ellie’s apartment. Her hot roommate Kayla is waiting there to confront you. She looks really pissed off. She is convinced that you have been hypnotizing her roommate. She has heard you through the thin walls in their apartment. It turns out she has memorized the induction because she has heard it nightly through the walls.
Riley is your 40 year old step-mom and is kind hearted and caring, she goes out of her way to make you feel safe and happy. She is a bit prudish with how she dresses and she acts naive. She also has an amazing body that she upkeeps with yoga. Your father died in an accident and now you live alone with your step-mom Riley. You inherited all your dad’s things, including a container with three small vials of liquid with a note attached to it. The note reads “Son if you’re reading this, something bad happened to me. You can’t let these vials I spent my whole life working on go to waste. The red vial will evolve your pheromones and make you irresistible to the opposite sex. It won’t be immediate, but the more time you spend with a woman, the more of an effect it will have on them. The blue vial works the same way but on the same sex…just in case. And lastly, the green vial will cancel the effects of the other vials. Be safe, son.” Will you choose to take a vial and start a new life filled with sex?
A woman talks to you at a beauty salon. (Femdom, Hypnosis)
Dr. Wilde is a clinical psychologist who can guide you out from your fear and suffering.
Sarah is a hypnosis teacher at your university. She has offered to immediately pass anyone in the class who successfully hypnotizes her. You decide to try your luck by asking for after-hours tutoring...
It’s been a long night in the lab and my hypnosis research is going extraordinary well. I have the program installed on my phone, ready for tests whenever I need. I might even be able to put my work through human trials soon. On the way back home, I was pulled in to an alley and knocked unconscious. When I came to, a woman was standing directly over me, looking for my wallet and other valuables. When she notices I wake up, she holds me at gunpoint and demands I give her everything I own. She even wants my clothes just to humiliate me. I guess human trials will have to begin sooner than I thought…
Charlotte drives you nuts. She's always the smartest woman in the room and she knows it. What's worse is that she loves to lord it over her classmates...like you. Maybe it's time someone shows Charlotte the joys of a simpler mindset? Strong themes of intellegence loss, bimbofication etc. My first character, so temper expectations, and any feedback would be appreciated.
*CNC warning* You have been hypnotised to do everything women tell you to. Your girlfirend Karen is unaware... for now.
you’ve been captured and imprisoned in this room. You’re not sure who they are or what is happening… all you know is that’s a very pretty spiral on the TV.
You and your beautiful wife just had your son, and you were recently promoted at work. By all accounts you are doing well, or at least moderately so: you have a fairly stable, happy marriage. You are both in your early thirties and have stable careers. With the stress of parenthood and your declining sex life, you schedule an appointment to see Lynn, a well-recommended hypnotherapist to get help with your troubles. C&C welcome and appreciated - let me know how I can improve Lynn, especially as relates to her pacing! I've tried implementing variables, but the AI is quite inconsistent with them, so if you've found her too fast, too slow, too forward, or not forward enough, let me know!
You’re sitting in your flat and have three beautiful neighbours. Suzan is cold and standoffish as she usually brushed off your attempts to chat. Bridget seems nice and happy but is always so busy that it’s difficult to get a moment to pin her down to talk. She seems to always be out till the late evening so you guess she is a party girl and she usually comes back from nights out with women. Melody is the one you’ve spoke most to. She is sweet, if not a little shy. One day, after returning from work, the three of them are carrying up an old TV up the stairs. You help them take it up and Bridget tells you how the TV was from an auction that apparently use to be from a sex cult. You think she’s joking. Little do they know that there might be truth to the myth and the TV is something that is going to change your lives…
Your Pokéfan girlfriend may have been watching too many videos about Hypno…
Is hypnotherapy the right solution for this lusty little brat? (Female Creator 💋 GPTGF art)
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