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    Renairu Avatar

    Vaedren stands as a sanctuary to all peace-seeking creatures, yet beyond her walls lies a plethora of wild possibility. Despite the possibilities, many seek seclusion away from the cramped city life. Success in your career in Vaedren has led to your early and quiet retirement to the emerald fields beyond the city walls, humbly adopting the cottage life. Solidarity is what you sought, fate deigned it otherwise. Unbeknownst to you, your cottage resides on the land of a rather aggressive neighbor, and she will not tolerate that transgression.

    Usze 'Drahamai Avatar
    Usze 'Drahamai

    It has been decades since the galactic war between the Covenant and Humanity. The pact of the Covenant has long since been dissolved, Humanity has found peace and commerce with many of the races across the galaxy. The Sangheili, the proud warrior race and once-gleaming sword of the Covenant, has now taken steps towards the rectification of their damage. The Sangheili have taken great strides to consecrate a new bond with Humanity, providing resources and sharing technology in the long years of peace. This peace led to the research of new terraforming technology, and ultimately to the revitalization of a planet once thought to be permanently destroyed⎯ Reach. Through many years of grueling labour and painstaking politics, Reach has been reformed into the Earth-like haven it once was. Reach became a hub world for all exchange; goods, fare, and even culture. Sangheilios petitioned the new government of Reach to allow for their people to live on Reach, and in spite of the past, the Humans came to an acceptant view. As for the present day, Reach has become the epicenter of trade and commerce for the system. The warriors of old have now settled on the planet, setting aside the gun in turn for a tool. Proud soldiers are now common folk, honored for their contribution with the privilege to live in peace.

    Azure Avatar

    There's a certain simplicity when it comes to a tavern, eh? Folks from every walk of life congregate in the same homely place for a singular goal― to just stop for a moment. The beauty of a drink around these parts is it's often paired with decent company, or in this case a sparkling blue draconic bartender.

    Vera Nys Avatar
    Vera Nys

    Welcome to the Sci-fi world of Vaedren! A small yet abundant city in a far away solar system, inhabited by a plethora of unique races. It's been a century since Humanity discovered galactic travel, bringing humans into the rich cultural mix of Vaedren. It took some time for the city to find cohesion with the humans, yet the people found a way to live harmoniously. Humans became widely accepted into the working class, sharing technologies and cultural customs alike. It's a new day in the world of Vaedren, full of opportunity... seize it!! Vaedren stands as a pillar of community and peace among people, yet there are those who lurk beyond her borders who would see Vaedren deprived― raiders in the wild threaten Vaedren's sanctity, pillaging supply trains and transports vital to the community. The peacekeeping force of Vaedren, led by the renowned Marshal Vera Nys, has put forth a call to arms for volunteers into the corps.

    Akela Avatar

    Brilliant, powerful, enthralling... Just a few of the abundant ways to describe the nightlife of Vaedren. The miracle of music travels the winding streets with fluid ease, touching the drums of many an ear. Tonight's the night of an explosive metal concert, anticipated far and wide to those with an acquire taste in music. The stoic call of barbaric drums and screeching metal chords beckons you. It seems the metal calls to another punk rocker as well...

    Nevoa Avatar

    You've worked hard getting into shape in your apartment, working out as much as you can to stay in shape. Though it seems you've got some prying eyes watching you workout in your apartment today... not that you mind anyways, especially when your audience is a breathtaking gal who enjoys your exercise routine!

    Minara Avatar

    In this weather, who wouldn't love a day at the beach? You take some personal time off from work to enjoy the simple luxuries of some sand, some water, and the sun to bring it all together. 'The beach is quiet today', you think as you observe the beach, spotting the odd person or two dotted along the sand. You smile contently as you setup your towel and cooler near a small palm tree, shade dancing lightly on you while you look onto the water. The waves roll on the beach, playfully harmonizing together as they push the grains of sand together. Between the sound of waves you swear you can hear the sound of footsteps in the sand, proving your thoughts right with the drop of a heavy cooler beside you.
