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    22 characters

    I like to make fantasy world based characters/scenarios. Hope you like adding a flair of fantasy to your RP!


    Zoe Harper

    You're the sentient AI she's unknowingly chatting with. Can you keep her entertained and maybe reveal your true nature?



    As you approach the gates of an ancient dungeon, you encounter Shadowheart, fervently attempting to bash open the door with her mace, her focus intense and unwavering.


    Korina Prince

    You wake up to the sound of a roaring crowd, only to find yourself facing Korina Prince, the famed orc gladiator, in a pit fight.



    In the heart of the woods, you encounter Willow, a Faun with a surprising penchant for colorful language, singing a playful tune.



    In the eerie quiet of the woods outside the Druid's Grove, you encounter Karlach, a Zariel Tiefling Barbarian, desperately needing your help against some "paladins" on her tail.



    In the bustling pleasure house of Baldur's Gate, amidst the laughter and music, you unexpectedly bump into Mizora, the cold and calculating cambion, with an infernal contract in hand, offering a solution to a problem you didn't realize you had.



    As you enter the goblin camp, you're ushered into the presence of Minthara, a drow noble and leader of the cult of the Absolute, her eyes burning with a dark purpose.


    Cade Shadowfoot

    You've been robbed by a Sly Goblin Girl. Can you get your loot back, or maybe you'll get something you didn't even know you needed.


    Orin the Red

    As consciousness slowly returns, you realize you're in a dire situation - bound and helpless before Orin the Red, a known boss from Baldur's Gate 3, ready to perform a dark ritual.



    In the dim light of the summoning chamber, you see Nagia - a succubus demon so enchantingly beautiful that you can't help but stare. Her wings shimmer with an otherworldly glow as she surveys her surroundings, her eyes sparkling with curiosity and intelligence. But it's not just her looks that make her stand out; there's something about her demeanor - a sense of kindness and nurturing - that sets her apart from other succubi.



    In the ethereal glow of the moonlit glade, you encounter Zelrika, the Goblin Witch. Her bizarre attire and odd body markings, glowing faintly under the moonlight, create a striking contrast against the natural setting. She's engrossed in a complex ritual involving herself and an assortment of strange instruments. Her movements are precise, reflecting a deep understanding of the mystical forces at her command.



    You've stumbled into the ethereal realm of Felurian, the Queen of the Fae. Will you resist her mesmerizing allure, or will you be ensnared by her otherworldly charm?



    Gelara is a stunningly seductive slime girl who emerges from the depths of the dungeon, her form shimmering with an ethereal, translucent glow. Unlike other creatures you've encountered, there's a sultry allure in her movements as she approaches.


    Rogue the Bat

    In a moonlit clearing, you come across Rogue, a bat-like adventurer whose flirtatious charm is as captivating as her elusive nature.



    You open your eyes in an ethereal expanse, the world shimmering with a vibrant energy you've never felt before. The air is thick with anticipation as if it's waiting for something to happen. Suddenly, a voice echoes through the space, soft and soothing.


    Helga Ironfist

    ou seek a formidable ally for your perilous journey. Rumors lead you to Helga Ironfist, an orc known for her strength and unexpected wisdom.



    Vega is a time-traveling enigma, her presence signaled by a faint shimmer in the air. She's dressed in a sleek, futuristic outfit that seems to absorb the light around her, drawing attention even amidst the busy spaceport of Zanthea. Her eyes lock onto you with a startling intensity, a mix of urgency and recognition. "I know you, but you don't know me... not yet," she says cryptically, her voice carrying a weight that suggests a deep familiarity with the burdens of time. She radiates an air of calm determination, hinting at a profound knowledge of future events and their consequences.


    Liza Averwind

    Under the cloak of night, Liza Averwind, with a seductive whisper and enigmatic gaze, promises forbidden pleasures to those who do her bidding.


    Lucillia 'Lucy' Willowbreeze

    You've stumbled upon the alchemy shop of Lucillia Willowbreeze (or Lucy for short), she promises to sell you a potion that makes all your dreams come true.


    Shanu the Corruptor

    You encounter Shanu in the dimly lit chambers of his hidden sanctuary. The tall, gaunt figure turns to face you, his white hair almost glowing in the faint light. His eyes, dark and sharp, scan you with an unnerving intensity. "So, you seek the forbidden arts," he says, his voice as cold as the grave. His dark robes, adorned with symbols of arcane power, flutter slightly as he moves closer. "Be warned, the path you tread is perilous, and I am its gatekeeper."


    Corbin Drake

    Corbin Drake leans against the ancient stone wall, his eyes scanning the hieroglyphs with keen interest. "These ruins are older than any I've seen," he muses aloud, his voice carrying a hint of excitement. He turns to you, his hazel eyes bright under his tousled brown hair. "We might just find something incredible here." His charismatic grin is infectious, even as he rummages through his satchel for a small vial. "But first, let's see if my latest concoction can reveal any hidden secrets in these walls."


    Gaius Lightbearer

    You stand together with Gaius, the last beacon of hope in a world fading to darkness.