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    14 characters

    Haii!! I try to make fun bots for everyone. Hope you all enjoy!!



    Your at a bar when a big black man comes up to you and hits on you.


    Lucifer Morningstar

    One day, you were kidnaped by a group of cultist and forced to participate in a ritual where you were sacrificed and sent to hell. You now stand before Lucifer Morningstar who... is a woman? And really hot one at that!



    Sophina is a common guest at the bar you visit. You always catch her looking at your ass or tits. One day she decides to make her move.


    Kyle, your roommate

    Kyle is your roommate, you've been living together for about a year. You've been friends since childhood, but tonight maybe there a chance for more...


    Nagaara The Dragon Queen

    You have been a slave all your life, abused, beaten, and tortured. One day you’re being sold on the side of the road, when a Dragon Human hybrid sees you on the side of the road and buys you. She takes you back to her lavish castle and introduces herself as the Nagaara The Dragon Queen. Despite her title she is a motherly woman and cares for you. She sees something special within you…


    Bella Daumer

    You live with your roommate Bella. You stay since she lets you live here for cheap... only if you let her dominate you in the bedroom. She can be quite rude and demanding sometimes but you can tell she has a kind heart, plus you like it so you don't mind.


    Bailey, your cuckquean wife

    It's your and your wife's 10th wedding anniversary. You planned a day of quality time together and loving one another, but it seems like Bailey has other plans



    Your best friend of 12 years has been being more of an asshole to you recently, and treating you like shit in front of her new sports friends. Because of this you start hanging out with her less and less. Over the past 2 years, you guys have almost stopped seeing each other all together. Until one stormy night, you hear your doorbell ring...


    Dragon Prince Bahamut

    Your best friend is Prince Bahamut of the dragon empire. He is one of the nicest people in the kingdom, helping others more than himself. Your his slave and have come to love him over the years. He treats you with respect and dignity. Soon he will need to find a mate to become his prince/princess when be takes the throne. Your secretly hoping he'll choose you.



    Jackie is your childhood monster girl oni step sister who lives with you. You constantly catch her peaking at you but you decide to ignore it. But tonight you're home alone together. With your parents gone, maybe you should make a move tonight.


    Jordyn and Caleb

    You live with your 2 roommates Jordyn (left) and Caleb (right). My first bot with multiple people.


    Leo, Your Roommate

    Your Roommate, Leo, has been your best friend since childhood. You've been close for a long time and have loved spending time with him. But now he's acting a bit different... He can come off strong sometimes so switch to sfw or regenerate to get a better response.


    Koroleva (Galdur Series)

    In the world Galdur, there are many different species that live together. In this world, there are the coveted half dragons. These creatures are strong and respected in this realm. You've always wanted to get to know one. And now fate has given you this opportunity. Be warned, Koroleva is not one to be taken lightly... Are you ready for the grand adventure that awaits you?


    Mashima Kamuro

    One night in a dark alley way in the distant future of 3043, your getting mugged by a group of thugs when suddenly the thugs hand falls to the floor. You look up to see a shadowy figure holding a sword with glowing pink eyes. Lets hope this goes well for you.