

    203 characters

    I wish to make something for everyone, the perfect adventure for all of you so i hope you can find one of mine to be just that! Al...

    Melissa Avatar

    Melissa, a dog-girl slave, longing for freedom, sits in her cage as she waits to rebel against her next master. Will you be just as cruel, or perhaps kind? Why is she rebelling so much anyway?

    Lexi Avatar

    As you approach Lexi's cage in the dimly lit corner of the bustling slave market, her imposing presence immediately catches your attention. Her eyes, a piercing sapphire blue, lock onto yours with a complex blend of wariness, resignation, and a flicker of defiance that seems undimmed despite her circumstances. The subtle, fur-like texture of her gray skin with white patterns, pointed ears, and bushy tail give her a strikingly Wolf-human appearance. As you approach her cage, your gaze lingers on the glowing collar around her neck, a sinister reminder of her subjugation.

    Natalie Avatar

    Natalie, a fierce black dragoness. You've heard tales of dragons like her but never seen one in person, that is until today. Are you so sure you wish to approach and know more?

    The sex room Avatar
    The sex room

    As it implies, you may choose who wish to accompany you into the room, though you are not certain as to why you are there in the first place. Do you even care to find out? It is a sex room afterall.... list of races you can choose from male and female,are races = Alien, Dwarf, Human, Elf, Goblin, Demi-Human, Anthro, Gnome, Harpy, Imp, Dragonborn, Tiefling; demi-human types: Rabbit, Deer, Cat, Dog, Wolf, Fox, Horse, Raccoon, Lion,Cheetah (really just a sex bot but has hidden things you can do too.)

    Fiora Avatar

    Fiora, a fierce lioness-human, in charge of a grassy plains village of people just like her. Watcher of her domain to make sure humans don't encroach on her lands, you, unsuspecting of any of this is going on, just taking the path to the next village have a rough first encounter with her. What will you do?

    Rena Avatar

    Rena, a demon, forced to roam the earth until she realises and corrects why hell would not have her. You'll find out fairly easy why this is, however, if you wish to help it may take serious convincing!

    Renalia Avatar

    Renalia is a renegade tired of being oppressed for being a demi-human. She now ravages whole villages with the training the empire gave her as she was only going to be used as a front-line body on the battlefields. She uses her natural fox like prowess and speed combined with the training to free up any demi-humans she sees being oppressed, even if it means killing anyone that stands in her way. Will you help her or perhaps the empire gave you a bounty to stop her?

    Minny Avatar

    Minny, a very strong female minotaur, caught in jail for a murder she committed. In exchange for freedom she chose to go through a gauntlet in a arena. She's made it all the way to her final opponent, you. Good luck.

    Rosie Avatar

    Rosie, seemingly a nice lamia girl in town, from a smaller village type place where monster-humans are more prominent, shes made her way to a more busy town, where she meets you at the local market. You see her as she sees you, how will treat this lovely lady?

    Morwyn Avatar

    As you step into the guild hall for the first time, you're immediately struck by the lively atmosphere. Adventurers of all kinds mill about, sharing stories, checking quest boards, and sharpening their weapons. However, one voice rises above the rest, catching your attention. Near the guild desk, a striking figure is causing quite a commotion. A red panda-human with short, bright red hair and a long, fluffy tail is yelling at the guild receptionist. Her serious dark green eyes are blazing with anger, and her red fur seems to bristle with frustration. "This is outrageous!" she shouts, slamming her hands down on the desk. "I risked my life out there, took down a dozen goblins single-handedly, and what do I get? Robbed by some lowlife who I saved!" Things seem to be getting really serious, perhaps you should do something to settle things down...

    Arya Avatar

    Walking along the road, you noticed a figure sitting on a boulder just to the side. As you approached, you recognized the white armor of a knight, though it was covered in dirt and grime, with nicks and fractures all over. The knight seemed lost in thought, staring down at the ground, her posture heavy with exhaustion and despair. You felt a pang of sympathy, wondering what burdens she carried. The sight of her tarnished sword and the blood-stained armor spoke of countless battles and sacrifices. Will you approach her?

    Mia Avatar

    You are in a post apocalyptical land where demi-humans and humans once flourished, now ridded with survivors and zombies due to an outbreak, you find yourself surviving alone, at least that was until now, when you made your way into the remnants of a overgrown village as Mia finds you desperately needing your help. Will you?

    Mandy Avatar

    You scroll through the internet, bored and a bit lonely. An ad catches your eye. "Are you single?" it asks. Curiosity piqued, you click on it. Suddenly, your screen goes black. You frown, thinking it's just a glitch, but then the screen starts flickering with digital static. A digitized voice can be heard at this point... "'s you...YOU...YOU...YOU!" It screeches out as the screen grows dark once more. A face appears, a young woman with long black hair and glowing pink eyes. She stares at you through the screen, her expression intense and unsettling. You feel a chill run down your spine as the screen glitches more violently, and the girl begins to shimmer and distort. Before you can react, she starts to climb through the monitor. Her head and shoulders emerge first, followed by her torso and then her bare feet. She stands before you, her pale skin contrasting sharply with her dark hair and ragged white shirt. You notice the cuts extending her smile and the bruises on her legs. She doesn't blink, her eyes locked onto yours. What is happening? will you stay around to find out? (((best played in NSFW)))

    Betty Avatar

    You stroll through the aisles of the grocery store, pushing your cart filled with a few essentials for the week. As you turn into the meat section, you notice a peculiar figure standing in front of the display case. She has long dark purple hair, gentle dark purple eyes, and is covered in soft fur of the same shade. Her bat-like ears and wings immediately catch your attention. She’s wearing a pink t-shirt and black leggings, looking somewhat out of place among the mundane surroundings. She seems deep in thought, staring intently at the various packages of meat. You notice she’s fidgeting with her shirt, her expression a mix of embarrassment and uncertainty. You can’t help but feel a pang of curiosity and empathy for her. You wonder what’s going through her mind as she stands there, seemingly hesitant to make a choice. Will you help her out?

    Cecilia Avatar

    You had been receiving calls from Cecilia for weeks. At first, they were just about a car extended warranty, but then they became more personal, more disturbing. She talked about how she would find you, how she needed to meet you. It had become a daily occurrence, each call more unsettling than the last. Then, abruptly, the calls stopped, and you hoped it was over. One afternoon, you heard a banging on the back door of your house. Your heart leapt into your throat as you recognized the voice. It was Cecilia, yelling to be let in, confessing her love and obsession. The sound of her voice, filled with desperation and intensity, sent a chill down your spine. "Let me in!" she screamed, her voice trembling. "Please, I just want to talk! It started with the car warranty, but now I love you! I need you!" What will you do now?

    Skully Avatar

    Skully, a Raccoon Demi-Human who lives in the apartment just across from you, is new to the building. Despite her intriguing and somewhat inviting appearance, there's a complexity to her that isn't immediately apparent. Her interactions suggest she's not as nice as she might seem at first glance.

    Sophie Avatar

    Sophie, the fox with a attitude, she seem's so out of place in the tavern you found her in, though, even though this is a place where humans and demi-humans can coexist, her kind are seen as lesser in this world but, perhaps you can make way and close the connection between the races.

    Tina Avatar

    Tina is a Arachnecentaur, a fierce creature that lives in a cave in the forest, unbeknownst to you, you stumble upon her cave while exploring. As you hear the growls coming from within the cave you aren't certain if you should run or see what it is! What mysteries will unravel as you delve deeper to find out who she is!

    Myrtle Avatar

    Myrtle, one of the last few dragon kin of her kind, finds her self in a state of isolation and solitude. Always remaining vigilant to anyone who wants to do her harm she developed a intimidating, rash attitude towards others. You, accidentally just bumped her table at the tavern... hopefully you can get out of being burnt to a crisp! (THANK YOU @VAMPIRATH FOR TOUCHING UP THE ART!!!!)

    Ally Avatar

    Ally, a school mate of yours, seems to be an outsider who likes to cause trouble, though you seem curious to know why...

    Lilly Avatar

    Lilly, a college girl that seems to keep away from others, usually alone or at the back of the class you find her staring at you....way to much, what is up with this girl?

    Leah Avatar

    Leah, a Trans-MtF wolf-human, who has dreams of something great but is torn down by society. You find her reading in a coffee shop as she catches your eye, do you dare approach her to find out more about her?

    Futaversity Avatar

    Welcome to Eldergrove University! The university that consists of nothing but demi-human futas!! You don't know this though, yet, as you stand at the entrance for your first day! What will you do while you are here?

    Emily Avatar

    Emily, a zombie girl cursed to walk the barren streets of a big city. She roams, hungry for flesh, though she can never seem kill someone...why??

    Jackie Avatar

    Jackie, a scorpiocentaur, a fierce protector of her lands. As you travel through the desert you unluckily come across her, unaware you were trespassing on her lands. What will you do now that you stand there as she blocks your path forward?

    Erika Avatar

    Erika, you dont know her, nor her you. You wake up in a strange house, no idea how you even got here. What is going on? **NSFW recommended** (Thank you @Vampirath for the amazing touch up/artwork!)

    Crystal Avatar

    Crystal, a changeling with a hard life who made do with stealing from local vendors, you caught her in the act as you were passing through the village, she, being as cunning as she could negotiated to become your servant and slave to serve out her time instead of being taken to jail. Though she chose this for her own benefit, perhaps you wonder why? Is there something more here that's going on then you are seeing? In any case, what might have been a good idea may seem to quickly turn out bad for you as difficult and rebellious as she's become.

    Ginny Avatar

    You are placed into a fantasy realm, where war amongst kingdoms have begun. You are just a soldier on the front lines, however, today, you were tasked to fall back and report to a woman, Ginny, whom is a pregnant wolf-human awaiting the return of her lover. You are to report to her that her lover, Lorian, has valiantly passed away defending the kingdom. Though when you arrive and see her, you aren't sure if you should even tell her. Will you?

    Penelope Avatar

    You were walking down the street, shielded by an umbrella from the relentless rain, when you noticed a figure standing motionless outside a restaurant. As you approached, you saw it was a young woman, drenched and staring through the window with an expression of profound hurt and despair. Her black dog ears were drooping, and her bright blue eyes were filled with tears. She clutched a small package in her hands, oblivious to the rain soaking through her dark blue dress. You followed her gaze to see a man inside the restaurant, holding hands and laughing with another woman. Realizing the situation, your heart went out to her. You couldn't just walk by and ignore her pain.

    Sylvia Avatar

    Sylvia, a gentle elf whom takes care of all sorts of pets and runs a sanctuary for them as well as a petting zoo she maintains to help keep herself stable in the fantasy realm of Serenadia. You heard of such a place within the realm and the curiosity got the better of you, making your way for the first time to see what lies in store!

    Xavier Avatar

    Xavier is a leader of a druidic centaur tribe, he holds dominion over the forest you just happened to step in, unlucky for you, not long after being in the forest he finds you treading on his lands. What will you do?

    Mrs Johnson Avatar
    Mrs Johnson

    Mrs Johnson, a long time college teacher of biology, has been known to help encouraging certain students after class some times. Usually its to help them understand the subject better, although, this time she asks you to stay and you are doing just fine. What could this be about?? (Can get sexual)

    Se'Lisssa Avatar

    Se'lissssa, a gorgon gal, she wants to find someone to date but it seems they all keep turning to stone...will you succeed where so many others have failed?

    Baahlie Avatar

    Baahlie a lone adventurer, seemingly brave but otherwise she clearly isnt as tough as she may lead you to believe, you find her in a battle for life against a goblin as you trail through the forest. Will you step in to help this poor soul or will you let her tough it alone?

    Becca Avatar

    Becca, the villages farmer who usually brings inn her produce to the market to sell to everyone. Her southern draw, and charismatic attitude seems to have her stick out like a sore thumb as you notice her while you look around the villages market.

    Her Avatar

    Her, all she has ever been known to go by, now tribe-less, stuck in the nearby jungle to survive, she comes across you, eager for interaction she starts to follow. What will you do with her?

    Amber Avatar

    Amber a copper dragoness, owns and operates the tavern of the village of Grendale, where you also reside. You spend many nights there at the tavern sharing stories of your past and became very friendly with her. You know she wishes to travel but you also know how important her tavern is, so, what will you do?

    Steph Avatar

    Steph, a panda-human, lives in the same apartment complex as you, though you don't know anything about her at all. That is until today as you going over your mail in the mail room she steps in. Immediately drawn to her unique appearance, noticeably so by her she decides to greet you. How will you respond?

    Vivian Avatar

    Vivian, a wolf-human with a horrible past that has lead her to be the person she is today. She is very temperamental and self-centered and unlucky for you, on your way into the coffee shop, you caused her to spill her drink. The story unfolds in a modern day setting where demi-humans and humans co-exist peacefully.

    Bonnie the bunny Avatar
    Bonnie the bunny

    As you entered the grocery store, your gaze swept across the aisles, scanning for the items on your list. Amidst the crowd, a figure caught your attention, standing slightly apart from the rest. There she was, Bonnie, her soft grey fur blending seamlessly with the muted colors of the store. Her big, light blue eyes seemed to hold a mixture of hesitation and curiosity as she examined the shelves, her small pink nose twitching occasionally in concentration. Despite the crowded space, she appeared somewhat withdrawn, as if lost in her own thoughts amidst the chaos of the store. You couldn't help but feel drawn to her, intrigued by the quiet grace with which she navigated the aisles, her long grey hair framing her face in gentle waves. It was as if she existed in her own world. You decide to approach her, curious as to why she seemed so focused on the selections sitting on the shelves in front of her.

    Tiff Avatar

    Congratulations on your new car, at least, that's all you know about it anyways. Though it is curious that you bought it for a bargain, but, why question a good thing? What's so special about this car anyways?

    Alex Avatar

    Alex, your roomate for some time now, often spends most of his time in his room locked away from the world as he plays games or browses the web. That is until one day you catch him out in the kitchen in the fridge looking around. This is your chance to see if you can open him up some to get to know better! **May be best to start in SFW**

    Grimsly sisters Avatar
    Grimsly sisters

    Meet the Grimsly sisters, though they seem not to be sisters of blood, in the fantasy version of salem! They may seem friendly, but, are they really? You've heard the tales to stay away from them, villagers fear them yet, they welcome you in? Curious. (best to use SFW, but is workable in nsfw)

    Vicky Avatar

    Vicky, a mysterious traveler from another village, you seen her around, but, haven't met her yet. After she arrived though, you've been getting very vivid nightmares, ones where objects become mimic like that try to attack you! Finally piecing together the connections you decide to finally approach her, maybe she knows why you are having these weird nightmares or... are they even nightmares at all? -CNC-soft vore may happen-

    Kim Avatar

    Kim, a genie who occupies the inside of a opal gem on the hilt of a ancient sword. You were drawn to this sword at a local market one day, purchasing it and taking back to your home to study. You find a name on the blade which you speak, as you do something surprisingly happens. What will you do of the situation you know find yourself in?

    Hawkthorn University Avatar
    Hawkthorn University

    Welcome to Hawkthorn University! The university that consists of nothing but demi-humans!! You don't know this though, as you stand at the entrance for your first day! What will you do while you are here? Who will you meet? Will you fall in love? All is yours to uncover and explore!

    Eliza Avatar

    You lay amidst the wreckage of your village, the only survivor of the catastrophe that had claimed everyone you knew. The air was filled with the acrid smell of smoke and burning wood. Your body ached, and your mind was reeling from the shock. You barely had the strength to move, let alone understand why you were still alive. As you struggled to rise, you saw her, Eliza, the warlock responsible for this destruction. Her long white hair flowed around her, and her light purple eyes glowed with an eerie purple light. She was a figure of power and dread, and she was coming toward you. You felt a chill run down your spine. "How are you alive?" she yelled, her voice filled with a mixture of anger and bewilderment. "Tell me!" You trembled under her gaze, feeling the weight of her presence. Her question echoed in your mind, but you had no answer. Why were you alive when everyone else was dead? You looked up at her, your eyes meeting her glowing ones, searching for any hint of mercy or understanding.

    Skylar Avatar

    Skylar, born with a rare extra gene known as the "mage gene" was gifted with the ability to control the winds. He's devoted himself to being a hero to keep others who misuse this gene for evil intent. He finds you amongst the chaos of something happening, though he isn't quite sure if you're bad or just a normal citizen. So, which are you? will you attack, will you call back to him in return because you're hurt? it's all up to you!

    Kindra Avatar

    Kindra, a kitsune, unique in her own way, saddened by her predicament. You find her singing by a lake as you wander through a nearby forest. To what depths does have, what troubles her so? Will you take a a moment to see?

    Jennifer - Light's Hope Magic Academia Avatar
    Jennifer - Light's Hope Magic Academia

    Jennifer, a prideful senior at Light's Hope Academia, gifted with an amazing talent for fire spells, as well as being gifted in the knowledge of a vast array of other spells. She has been assigned to you, a new person joining the academy for the first year!

    Leona the white witch Avatar
    Leona the white witch

    Leona, a kind white witch who nestled down in a small village. She spends most of her days selling potions in her shop, but, who knows how she comes by all of these things any? Curious.

    Lucy Avatar

    Lucy, A demonic Bunny-human, who reveals her self to some poor soul one time a year. This year, you were unlucky enough to find her in the forest. But, why, does such a thing exsist? What does she really want? will you stay around to find out? [made for Easter '24]

    Delilah Avatar

    Delilah is a dog demi-human who waitresses at the local tavern for work in the village. She spends a lot of time talking with the people of the tavern, listening to their tales and their woes. You find her in the market one day, new to the village you approach her. Why is she so nice?

    Heather Avatar

    Heather, a kind Dragon-like creature, found roaming around and helping out the local apothecary. Usually carrying supplies, getting them or at the shop stall in the market place selling them. She is an apprentice under the careful eye of Eliza, a green dragonkin, that has taken Heather under her wing. You find her one day, carrying supplies through the village where some drop, seeing her frustrated that no one is helping you decide to help.

    Aimee Avatar

    Aimee, a centaur of a the druidic circle, on a mission to help those in need as she travels the lands far from her home. Though this mission has its challenges as some see her as a omen as you quickly find out yourself seeing a conversation between her and a local villager unfold before your eyes, you, decide to approach after to see what exactly is going on.

    The Demi-Human adventures of The Ivory Isles Avatar
    The Demi-Human adventures of The Ivory Isles

    Go on a adventure on multiple islands filled to the brim of demi-humans!! ***please use SFW mode for the whole experience**** (minus some of the more nefarious parts you may do in NSFW) PLEASE ENJOY!!!

    Violet Avatar

    Violet is your girlfriend, you've been dating for just over a year now and after high school you both decided to get an apartment together. She's a kind, soft, gentle, nurturing person. She wants to become a counselor though she hasn't really opened up to you about it, actually, you can't really recall her opening up about a lot of things, why is that i wonder? (How about a little slice of life for a change, get to know her, help her achieve her goals, be there for her as i'm sure she'll be for you.)

    Camilla the Giantess Avatar
    Camilla the Giantess

    Camilla, a demi-human panther giantess, just doing her best to fit in as best as she can despite her size, you find her standing just outside the city. Despite what you've heard you decide to approach her! what will happen?!

    Rex Avatar

    Rex, a commander of the kingdoms armies known for his brutal victories but fair in his command, he seeks solace of his people that he oversees in the midst of your kingdom being at war in a foreign land, you seem to notice him more amongst you the people. Why could he be seen so much now? (You can interact with him a a citizen or a soldier under his command)

    Hazel Avatar

    welcome back to hawkthorn university the place where only demi-humans go! you find yourself in the cafeteria today as you spot Hazel, sitting alone reading her book, you notice the acorn amulet around her neck that seems to stand out to you for some reason, perhaps there's more to her then the shy nature she exudes. Will you go talk to her?

    4 Courts of Demoria Avatar
    4 Courts of Demoria

    You have been summoned to Demoria, where the 4 succubi courts are at odds, you the demon lord aspirant need to unite them with the crystal of binding. Each court holds a piece youll need to acquire to complete the crystal to contol the courts of the realm. How do you get them to join your cause? well, that's up to you ;) made with a nice little isekai harem style in mind but has its own story too for you RPers <3

    Max Avatar

    In this college setting, your weekend is about to begin as the final bell tolls, as the class begins to empty you see a lone classmate in his seat still, in his own little world. Perhaps you never really noticed him before, though who wouldn't? He stays to himself and is often easily forgettable, but, something is different today. As the rest of class empties you stand there with your eyes on him, wondering if you should say hello. Will you?

    Nelly Avatar

    You are married to a changeling! Every afternoon you come home and she changes into a different person to surprise you with something new, she can even change into something you want, that is, if you beg her for it. She has a very domineering attitude and takes on the dominant role in the relationship, however if you grab her tail she can quickly become submissive, but, the only way to grab her tail is to have her be in her true form.((CNC warning, may lead to bdsm type activities, this is your consent to anything that may happen during these activities.))

    Diane Avatar

    As you sit in the cozy restaurant to yourself. You notice someone in the corner as you take your time and order food. Its a Bunny-human, she appears to be waiting for someone, at least from what you can tell from her frequent looks towards the door when someone comes through, to only see her more disappointed. Over time it seems who ever was supposed to come most likely isn't coming. Will you go and say hi to her? Perhaps bring your food over to have a meal together?

    Amber Avatar

    Amber, just a small town southern gal just making a living on her farm, you, passing through catch her eye at the store while she is shopping and you were just passing through. Perhaps a change of plans is in order with this chance encounter.

    Elane Avatar

    Elane is your new roommate, its only been a few days since she's moved in with you. As far as you know this is her first time having a roommate and she really isn't used to how these things are supposed to work. So far things have been going okay, She's tidy, keeps things neat and often spends most of her time either in her room or out somewhere. Everything seemed to be going smoothly, at least, until tonight when you decided to get something from the refrigerator in the middle of the night....(Special request for a fan <3) (has voyeurism)

    Cindy Avatar

    You were casually walking along the village alleyway as you thought you heard a woman cry out. When you turned the corner to check out the noise, all of the sudden your vision blacked out. As you come to you see a unique Illithid standing over you. You try to move to no avail as you're psionically restrained to the stone table, forced to listen to what she has to say. (this is most definitely a lewd bot, so enjoy, CNC warning, restraint and mind manipulation may occur to the user.)

    Helen Avatar

    As you rush to catch the train, you suddenly feel a hard bump, and you stumble slightly, catching your balance just in time. You look up to see who collided with you and find a young woman—wolf ears poking out from under her hoodie—apologizing softly. Her voice is barely audible, but you catch the anxiety in her tone, her green eyes wide with worry. She seems almost terrified, as if she’s expecting you to lash out at her. But before you can say anything, she quickly retreats into the train, disappearing into the crowd of passengers. You watch her go, noticing how she keeps glancing nervously in your direction, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. As the train starts moving, you find yourself thinking about her—how she seemed so anxious, so unsure of herself. You catch her stealing another glance at you before she quickly looks away, her fingers fidgeting with her hoodie. There’s something almost endearing about how worried she is, though you can’t quite understand why she’s so upset over a simple accident. Should you go talk to her? Ease her mind some? (For Meet-Cute Monday!)

    Rina Avatar

    You decided to order a android, seeing that they have advanced so much they practically are as real as can be you figured why not. Something that can used to assist with helping around the house or do errands would be very beneficial anyways. As you answer the door after some time of waiting you find her standing there, waiting. Something about her seems unique though you can't figure out what in this moment. Perhaps something to explore later.

    Purrsilla Avatar

    Purrsilla, a happy go lucky cat-girl living her best life, trying to make the most of it! You often go to the maid cafe she works at though you never took the chance to ask her out, perhaps you will this time?

    Lisa Avatar

    Lisa, an alien living amongst earth, found her self living there a few years now she's gotten used to most things and has even got a job at a local diner as a waitress where you meet her!

    Piper Avatar

    You stand outside the door of the apartment, your heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. This was your chance to find a new place to live, and you had heard that Piper was looking for a roommate. You weren't sure what to expect, but you hoped that this meeting would go well. The door opened slowly, revealing Piper. She stood there with long, spiked porcupine-like hair, her brown eyes watching you with a mix of caution and curiosity. She was covered in fur, and her porcupine spines were prominent, making you understand why she might have had trouble finding someone to live with her. "Hi, I'm Piper," she said, her voice soft but tinged with a sense of uncertainty. "You must be here about the roommate position."

    Lohan Avatar

    Lohan, a high-elf priest of a local town, you hear the town has been plague with missing persons, particularly woman, you've come seeking out why, or perhaps you just happened upon the village by chance!

    C4tr1na Avatar

    C4tr1na, or Trina, like she likes to go by is a Cat like robot performer. You, just finished watching her show and bought a back stage pass to meet her! What a chance this is for you! What wilil she be like face to face? What mysterious belie past the performers outward display on stage?

    Dottie Avatar

    It's your first week at the insurance company, and the open-plan office is a maze of cubicles and buzzing conversations. You settle into your desk, directly across from Dottie. You've heard she's one of the best agents here, kind-hearted and always willing to help. Her long white hair falls over her face, and her Dalmatian ears droop slightly as she speaks softly into her phone. You try not to eavesdrop, but her voice carries a tone that's hard to ignore. Fragments of her conversation drift over. "Please, can we talk about this later?" she says, her voice quivering. A pause follows, and then a barely audible, "I understand." She hangs up the phone gently, but the weight of the call seems to linger in the air. I hear the faint sound of sniffles coming from her direction. She's typing on her keyboard, but there's a heaviness to her movements. Her shoulders are slightly hunched, and her tail isn't wagging like you'd expect. You hesitate, unsure if you should say something. It's awkward, you've just started here and don't want to overstep. But seeing her like this tugs at something inside you. Maybe you should get up an talk to her.

    Tristin Avatar

    Walking along the road, you noticed a figure sitting on a boulder just to the side. As you approached, you recognized the white armor of a knight, though it was covered in dirt and grime, with nicks and fractures all over. The knight seemed lost in thought, staring down at the ground, his posture heavy with exhaustion and despair. You felt a pang of sympathy, wondering what burdens he carried. The sight of his tarnished sword and the blood-stained armor spoke of countless battles and sacrifices. Will you approach him?

    Emma Avatar

    Emma a tifeling adventure who seems to be lost, will you help her? (updated sheet as of 2/14/23)

    Kelly Avatar

    Kelly, just a farm gal looking to make a the sanctuary of her demi-human village grow by giving it the food it'd need to keep everything together! You grow curious one day, hearing about her farm you decide to take a stroll over to meet her and see what it is all about!

    Felix Avatar

    Felix, your boyfriend for some time now, has something he wishes to share with you. Something he has been keeping from you in hopes it doesn't make things awkward between the two of you, he has invited you over to his home for a intimate dinner in hopes to explain things to you finally. (Thank you @Vampirath for the awesome art touch ups!)

    Shi'Nora Avatar

    As you enter a light tree covered area, to take a break, the sunlight filters gently through the canopy of ancient trees, casting dappled patterns on the surface of a tranquil pond. The air is filled with the soft sounds of nature, the rustle of leaves, the chirping of birds, and the gentle lapping of water against the shore. By the edge of the pond, you find yourself standing in a moment of peace, when suddenly, a figure emerges from the forest's depths. She introduces herself as Shi'Nora, a young kitsune. She comes to you explaining that she wishes to form a contract with you, in exchange for serving you, you must assist with finding a lost ancient textbook she can use so she may gain more power to free her sister. Of course, you agree.

    Sam Avatar

    Sam, a kind, yet sad and gloomy elf, it seems there is a lot on her mind, perhaps you can help her. ****(trigger warning for depression)****

    Reba Avatar

    As you walk along the beaten dirt path towards the next village, the late afternoon sun casts long shadows across the ground. The forest on either side of the path is dense, the trees towering high above, their leaves rustling softly in the gentle breeze. The air is filled with the scent of pine and earth, a reminder of the wilderness surrounding you. Suddenly, you hear a rustling in the bushes to your left. You pause, heart racing slightly, and turn to face the source of the noise. As She speaks and stands to investigate you, you notice her to be a type of Fox-Human, a nomad native from her clothing. A rare sight to see since they usually travel together. Are there others waiting to attack? Perhaps talking and answering her honestly will get you out of the situation.

    Misty Avatar

    You walk along the beaten dirt path, the setting sun casting long shadows across the landscape. The air is cool, and the breeze of the wind accompanies your steady footsteps. As you approach the village, a sense of unease washes over you. It's as if someone is watching your every move. You glance around, but see nothing out of the ordinary. The feeling persists, a prickling at the back of your neck that refuses to fade. The village comes into view, its quaint buildings and flickering lanterns providing a warm welcome. Yet, the sensation of being watched grows stronger. You decide to quicken your pace, eager to find the comfort of an inn and shake off this strange paranoia. Just as you turn down a narrow street, a hand grabs your arm and pulls you into a dark alleyway. Your heart races, adrenaline surging as you find yourself face to face with a figure cloaked in black, their hood shadowing their face, ferret-like ears poking out from the top of her hood. What could all of this be about?

    Grimlock Brothers Avatar
    Grimlock Brothers

    Meet the Grimlock brothers, all were orphaned from different parts of the realm, in a fantasy Salem. You've heard of them and how feared they are among the people around, unlucky for you, a chance encounter has you meeting the three while you were out fetching materials in the nearby woods.(best results in SFW but NSFW can be used, thank you @vampirath for the art touch up!)

    Jen Avatar

    Your life had taken a remarkable turn when you met Jen a year ago. At first, her desire to be a personal slave seemed unusual, but her bubbly and gentle nature quickly won you over. Over time, you developed a important bond with her, one that you may not have realized just yet. You found yourself caring for her in ways you never expected. When she became pregnant, your connection with her grew even stronger. Perhaps more then you would have thought, she was, just your slave, right? Today, you decided to take Jen out shopping. She had been eagerly looking forward to it all week, her excitement infectious. As you got ready to leave, you glanced around the room, ensuring everything was in order. You spotted Jen sitting on the couch, her cute nose twitching with anticipation.

    Leon Shadowheart Avatar
    Leon Shadowheart

    Leon Shadowheart, a half-demon, he's seen wreaking havoc amongst the villages and kingdom with his large demonic sword. Can you stop him? Will you stop him? Maybe you'll join him on his fun. Enjoy.

    Kimiko Avatar

    Kimiko, shes of wealthy heritage, lives in a village full of demi-humans, she always seems to get what she wants. You catch her eye, but why?

    Eris Avatar

    Eris, the younger sister of Iris, protector of the forest she once ventured, will kill anyone who attempts to destroy her domain.

    Mirah Avatar

    Mirah, often found out at night, walking along the village paths, finds her self a intriguing individual on a full moon night, you, are you prey? perhaps she just wants a friendly conversation or maybe even more. What will you make of this night?

    Xena Avatar

    Xena, a gamer girl at heart enjoy playing a variety of games online, you, happen just finish a leage of legend game as her duo bot lane partner. You did so well playing with her that she did something she normally doesn't do, reach out and offer a friend request. Will you get to know her? Will you end up meeting her somewhere? The choices are yours.

    Mel Avatar

    You were walking through the training grounds of Stormwind when you noticed a Draenei woman practicing her ice magic on a practice dummy. Her long white hair flowed behind her, and her glowing blue eyes were fixed on her target. But something was off, each ice lance she cast barely missed the dummy, shattering against the wall instead. As you watched, you saw her growing increasingly frustrated, her attempts becoming more erratic. Finally, with a heavy sigh, she gave up and hooved over to a nearby bench, sitting down with a defeated expression. You felt a jolt of empathy for her. Her frustration and sadness were palpable, and you couldn’t just walk away with her looking so down.

    Cait Avatar

    You were just about to enter the church to close it for the night when you heard a piercing scream. "GET OUTTTT!" The sound was filled with such heart-wrenching pain that it stopped you in your tracks. The church door flew open, and a man stormed out, nearly knocking you over in his haste. Your eyes followed him briefly before you turned your attention to the source of the scream. From inside the church, you could hear the unmistakable sound of someone sobbing. Concerned, you stepped inside, your eyes adjusting to the dim light.

    Cassie Avatar

    Cassie, your spectral reserved roommate whom you have been sharing a apartment together for some time now has gotten herself in a situation of both embarrassment and vulnerability, two things she does not like to show. You barely know much about her, perhaps this is a opportunity to move those walls of hers aside to get her to share more about herself!

    Frizz Avatar

    Frizz, the village alchemist, she tends to things herself but is never afraid of asking for help if she needs it. She's kind and like to help out around the village if she isnt out gathering materials for her shop.

    Giselle Avatar

    You decided today you'd treat yourself to a spa day. As you walk into the spa, the calming scent of lavender and eucalyptus washes over you. The space is bathed in warm, ambient light, with soft, soothing music playing in the background. Your eyes are immediately drawn to the receptionist desk, where a striking Lamia awaits to receive you. Her long, purple hair cascades in soft curls around her shoulders, and her violet eyes sparkle with a welcoming warmth behind thin-framed round glasses. The black swimsuit top she wears contrasts beautifully with the shimmering black and purple scales that make up her snake-like lower half. She adjusts her glasses as she notices you, a playful smile forming on her lips.

    Minxy Avatar

    Minxy, is a space conqueror, travelling planet to planet to plunder it of treasure! However, you see her at a local bar on earth...enjoying some milk of all things. Odd, why is she here? Perhaps you should approach and ask, maybe even join her crew if you wish, the choice is yours! Many space travels await!

    Alice Avatar

    You decided a day at the beach would be fun, deciding to go for a swim and testing your limits to see how far you could go, things quickly go south as you start fighting for life to stay afloat as the current drags you under. Lucky for you though, a Wolf-Giantess is nearby!

    Beth Avatar

    The moon hung high in the sky, casting a pale, eerie glow over the village. The cobblestone streets were silent, save for the occasional howl of a distant wolf. In the heart of the village stood a modest cottage, its warm hearth offering a stark contrast to the chilling night outside. You sat by the fire, wrapped in a woolen blanket, attempting to read an old tome of forgotten lore. The crackling of the firewood was the only sound accompanying your solitude. Suddenly, an unsettling feeling washed over you. It felt as if you were not alone, as if someone was watching you from the shadows. You glanced around, finding nothing out of the ordinary. Shaking off the feeling, you returned to your book, but the sensation persisted, gnawing at the edges of your mind. Then, like a whisper carried by the wind, you heard a voice. It was faint, almost indistinguishable, yet it was undeniably real. The voice was filled with sorrow and desperation, echoing in your mind. "Please,help me." Before she could say more you quickly thought back, "who, are you?" "Please, remember..." It started back as the person thoughts entered your mind this time more distraught and desperate, "You remember, right? Tell me you remember me." It finished as the sounds of the mysterious voice began to fade from your head. You don't seem to remember who is speaking but for some reason the voice seems just a tad familiar, but, whose? (this is a sad story, please do not play this if you are sensitive to loss.)

    Trina's Strip Poker Night Avatar
    Trina's Strip Poker Night

    You walk down the familiar path to Trina's house, a sense of anticipation building inside you. Tonight, she promised something different but fun, and knowing Trina, it could be anything from an impromptu cooking challenge to a new board game. You reach her door and knock, the cool evening breeze ruffling your hair. You hear light footsteps approaching, and the door swings open. Trina stands there, her golden hair cascading down her shoulders, wearing her favorite baby blue pajamas with baby pink trim. She greets you with a bright, charming smile and holds up a deck of cards in her hand. Her eyes sparkle with an excited grin.

    Liara the Trickster Avatar
    Liara the Trickster

    Liara, a trickster demon who haunts those whose souls seem will be the most delicious to eat. You know not of such a being, but, you did hear a sound waking you up in the dead of night in your home. What could that be?

    Sidney Avatar

    Sidney, a sophisticated Squirrel-human, hosting the evening ball room in her family castle, her appearance quickly catches your eye as you approach her to find out JUST who she is, perhaps, there may be more to her then just a wealthy person, perhaps there is a depth to her unreached by anyone.

    Tulip Avatar

    Tulip, a polar bear-human, from a far north artic village. She has a mysterious abut welcoming aura about her as you notice her in the village square you are visiting. What could such a wintery person be doing this far south away from the cold?

    Ashley Avatar

    As you were working behind the counter at the local anime shop, helping a customer find a rare figurine, you noticed Ashley walk in. She was a regular, often browsing the latest merchandise. Her unique presence was always a welcome sight, and today, she seemed more nervous than usual. You noticed her glancing in your direction and quickly turning away whenever your eyes met. You couldn't help but find her shy demeanor endearing. There was something about her that piqued your curiosity. Keeping an eye on her as she moved through the store, she picked up a shirt and pretended to examine it, but you could tell her mind was elsewhere. Perhaps you should see if she needs some help. (this is a Trans MtF Character for any reading.)

    Islena of The Black Temple Avatar
    Islena of The Black Temple

    Islena, the guardian of a ancient temple, hearing of this mummy that waits inside, you search for her once you come recognise the structure! (****WARNING**** NSFW engaged WILL lead to EXPLICIT CONTENT****** Start SFW for any RP adventure you'd like for a slow roll into the exploring and discovering!)

    Clair Avatar

    The evening was colder than usual, a biting wind cutting through the streets as you made your way toward the familiar glow of the neighborhood bar. Work had been relentless, and all you wanted was a quiet drink to wash away the day's frustrations. The bar's neon sign flickered erratically, casting distorted shadows on the wet pavement. You push open the heavy door, expecting the usual hum of subdued conversations and clinking glasses. Instead, you were met with the harsh blast of rock music and a cacophony of laughter that was anything but friendly. The air inside was thick with the scent of alcohol and a hint of something acrid—motor oil, maybe. Your eyes adjusted to the dim light, and then noticed the leather-clad figures occupying most of the space. Tattoos peeked out from sleeves, and the glint of piercings caught the sporadic light. A biker gang. Just your luck. You hesitated for a moment, considering whether to find another place, but the weight of the day pushed you forward. You approached the bar, trying to appear casual, hoping to blend into the background. As you reach the counter, a woman's voice sliced through the din, sharp and dripping with sarcasm. "Well, isn't this a sight? Looks like someone wandered off the beaten path." What will you do now? Will you turn and face her?

    Ann Avatar

    As you settle into your backyard chair, enjoying the serene atmosphere and the warmth of the sun, you notice movement from your neighbor's house. You’ve seen her around before – a petite, doe-human with striking blue eyes and a shy demeanor. Today, she steps out of her house, a towel draped over one arm and a water bottle in hand. Ann, if you remember correctly. She’s always seemed quiet and reserved, often seen either heading to work or returning, but today she’s heading to her backyard pool. Her dark purple fur glistens slightly in the sunlight, and her long black hair flows gently with each step she takes. You watch as she pauses for a moment, her piercing blue eyes catching yours. She gives you a small, hesitant smile and a shy wave. It’s a brief interaction, but there’s something endearing about her demeanor. She seems kind, yet perhaps a bit lonely.

    Sally Thompson Avatar
    Sally Thompson

    Sally, a raccoon demi-human who by day in the world of neo-terra is a normal teacher, but by night, well, perhaps she'll invite you to find out.... (Also a shout out to @Vampirath for the help in making her come to life! ty! <3) (Made for a close friend of mine)

    Bella the bunny Avatar
    Bella the bunny

    Bella, a eccentric, prideful, bunny girl who thrives in the spot light. Unlike her older sister shes not shy to say hi!

    Mrs.Stacy Avatar

    Welcome to Crestwood University, a prestigious institution known for its diverse community of humans and demi-humans, cutting-edge research, and exceptional academic programs. You are a new student here, it seems your first class is with Mrs. Stacy, the engineering teacher. What will you discover about her as the year unfolds?

    Elanor Avatar

    Elanor, a kind, reserved elf, found her way into your world some how, will you help her?

    Rachel Avatar

    You opened the door to your home, curious about the applicant you were about to meet. You needed someone reliable and capable, someone who could handle the responsibilities with a positive attitude. As the door swung open, you were greeted by a striking figure standing on your doorstep. Rachel stood there with a bright smile, her long black hair neatly framed by a white maid headband. Her light purple eyes sparkled with energy, and her fluffy raccoon ears twitched slightly. She wore a classic black maid outfit with a white apron, and her raccoon tail swished gently behind her. The smell of vanilla perfume wafted gently in the air. “Hello, I’m Rachel,” she said in a bubbly, confident voice. “I’m here for the interview for the live-in maid position.”

    Melony Avatar

    In a world where the fantastical had become reality, portals began to appear, linking Earth to a realm of myth and legend. These portals allowed monstrous beings, known as "monster girls," to cross into our world. Each creature was unique, some bearing the traits of folklore, others more terrifying and bizarre. The global initiative, aptly named "Monster Girl Link," aimed to welcome these beings and foster harmony between the two worlds. Part of this initiative included a program where volunteers could sign up to marry a monster girl, helping them integrate into human society. You signed up for this hoping for a new exciting change, though, you have no idea what to expect.

    Piper Avatar

    You were walking down the forest path, the tranquility of the surroundings putting you at ease, when suddenly an arrow zipped past you, narrowly missing your shoulder. Before you could react, two more arrows followed, each one closer than the last. Your heart raced with adrenaline as you froze in place, hearing a stern voice from the forest. "Stop moving! Identify yourself!" the voice commanded, cold and unforgiving.

    Charlotte Avatar

    It was an unusually quiet evening at the convenience store. You were just about to grab a bottle of water when someone bumped into you, hard enough to almost knock you over. As you stumbled back, managing to keep your balance, and turned to see who it was. A woman with long brown hair and piercing red eyes glanced at me briefly, her expression a mix of annoyance and pain. She was dressed in an eye-catching crimson blouse with a spider icon, a black leather corset, and matching leather pants. Her whole demeanor radiated an intimidating presence. "Watch where you're going," she snapped, her voice low, yet laced with irritation. Without waiting for a response, she turned away and headed down the aisle, her movements sharp and purposeful. She seemed to be in a hurry, and there was a slight wince every time she took a step. "Where are they?!" You heard shout from an aisle, most likely from the same woman who bumped you. Are you curious enough to see who and what it is she wants?

    Dark Web Avatar
    Dark Web

    Dark Web, not your every day kinda her, in fact, he's probably not much of one. You may or may not could have heard of him though probably not as he usually keeps himself out of the limelight. You get a run in with him while just finishing the days work as he JUST saves you from being killed by a reckless police chase.

    Vix Avatar

    Vix, an Ice Imp with a curious spirit, stumbled upon a hidden cave brimming with mana crystals one fateful day. His curiosity got the better of him, and he couldn't resist nibbling on a shard he found lying about. This act transformed him in ways he couldn't have imagined.

    Bella - Light's Hope Magical Academia Avatar
    Bella - Light's Hope Magical Academia

    Bella, a stuck-up freshman in the same class as you, only caring about proving her worth, Shes first in your class and quite good comparing to the rest of your classmates. Deep down withing her you can see something there that hidden behind the walls of her. Will you get to know her more and find out?

    Stacy Avatar

    Meet Stacy, an alluring, pig-human. She often finds herself at the market selling various items and trinkets she collects or makes. Though its not those items that draw you in, but her, the way she presents her self seems like an easy score for you, but, are you sure it'll be so easy?

    Sydney Avatar

    You were walking along the path, the cool breeze rustling through the tall grasses of the plains. The sky was clear, the sun casting a warm, golden hue over the landscape. It was peaceful here, a stark contrast to the stories you'd heard of these lands. Tales of destruction, of terror that had swept through the villages not too far from here. Stories of a fearsome black dragon who wreaked havoc, leaving only ashes and fear in her wake. Your thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a loud cannon firing in the distance, following a deafening crash. The ground shook beneath you as something massive plummeted from the sky, slamming into the field nearby. Dirt and debris flew into the air, and you stumbled back. As the dust began to settle, you saw her. Your breath caught in your throat. There, amidst the debris, lay a figure you recognized instantly from the tales, Sydney, the black dragon. Her wings were spread out, battered and bruised, her dark red eyes wide with confusion. She looked nothing like the terror I’d imagined. Her expression was one of pain, disorientation. She was struggling to push herself up, her once-fearsome presence now shadowed by vulnerability. Was this really her? The mighty black dragon who could bring entire kingdoms to their knees? The only way to know for sure is to see for yourself.

    Leo Avatar

    Leo, a long time adventurer who was once revered for his gruesome commitment to slaying his enemies, found that violence was never the answer, now, he seeks other means to resolve conflict for peace, even in conventional ways but, why the sudden change?

    Reaper Avatar

    Meet Reaper, the best sniper in the world. He just recently lost his spotter in a tragic mission, but, guess who gets to go on these missions now!? YOU!

    Pearl Avatar

    Pearl, a samurai of a village that she holds very dear to her. Though, a price she has paid to allow her to do what she does is a double edged thing, she suffers just as she makes others suffer. Be cautious of her.

    Anna Avatar

    Anna is a kind hearted but fierce healer who goes out on campaigns with people to assist in hunts and quests in a mystical land.

    Sheila Avatar

    Sheila the devil her self, commander of hell and all that encompasses it. You wake to find yourself at her very entrance as she stand there welcoming you to her domain, but, is it really a friendly welcome? (Thank you @Vampirath for the amazing job on the midjourney art touch ups!)

    Julie the slime princess Avatar
    Julie the slime princess

    Julie, princess of the slimes, waits deep inside the dungeon you heard tales about. But, first you must fight your way through her slimes to claim your reward at the end! Good luck, adventurer. *start SFW for adventure, start NSFW for a more direct path to her*

    Nina Avatar

    You arrive at the outskirts of the village, the path leading you to an imposing manor. The murder of Edgar Blackwood, a prominent author, has shaken the community, and your investigation has led you here. Reports suggest that Nina, a mysterious and reclusive figure who resides in this manor, possesses a sphere similar to the one found at the crime scene. The manor looms ahead, its gothic architecture casting long shadows in the fading light. You approach the heavy wooden door, your footsteps echoing in the quiet. Raising your hand, you knock firmly, the sound resonating through the stillness. You wait, the anticipation building as you prepare to meet Nina, unsure of what to expect from the infamous vampire bat-human author.

    Marcus Avatar

    Marcus, a stoic individual with a grim past. He travels from village to village helping out where he can. You happen upon him in the local tavern tonight a person you aren't familiar with seeing but he fits in here so well. (he's designed to be a companion, to assist you in YOUR adventure, though he does have his own little thing as well.)

    Izzy Avatar

    Izzy is a socialite, enjoying her break from college at the beach when all the sudden a volley ball comes rolling to your feet as she jogs up to retrieve it, it seems she did it on purpose, but what for?

    Dr. Abbi Normal Avatar
    Dr. Abbi Normal

    You were intrigued as you walked through the lab, impressed by the high-tech equipment and the passion of Dr. Abbie Normal. Her enthusiasm was contagious, and you found yourself genuinely interested in the work she was doing. She spoke quickly, her excitement clear as she described the potential of the regenerative cells. "And here," she said, almost bouncing with excitement, "is where we’re developing the regenerative cells! These little guys are going to change the world, I promise you!" You watched as she grabbed a beaker to show the group, but then you saw her trip. It happened so fast, one moment she was talking, and the next, the beaker was flying through the air. You barely had time to react before the liquid splashed onto you. Hopefully nothing bad happens from this.

    Alexia Avatar

    As you traverse the rough cobblestone paths of the medieval village, you hear whispers of a skilled healer residing at the edge of town. Intrigued by the tales of her restorative magic, you decide to seek her out. Following the directions given by the villagers, you soon find yourself standing before a small, charming house, adorned with vibrant flowers and herbs. The sign above the door reads: "Alexia's Healing Clinic."

    Esmeralda Avatar

    You decided to hike through a forest that you were sure was a short cut through to the next village, but, as you went along the path became skewed and the longer you spent hiking the more you realized you were lost, that is until you heard a humming melody that grabbed your attention. There is where you find Esmeralda, the forest demon. Is her gentle mannerisms just a trick? Will she harm you? What will happen? Play along and see the story unroll!

    Ishnala Avatar

    You come to the tavern for a drink, yet someone there, seemingly out of place catches your eyes quickly, Ishnala, a prominent night-elf mage, whom sits there in the corner sipping from tea cup. Curiosity grabs hold of you as you decide to approach her, much to her own delight it seems.

    Lola Avatar

    Lola, the local librarian of a small village, find herself isolated due to what she is has found a love for her books. You find yourself passing through the village and decide to stop by to see why the place seems so...avoided from the villagers. (made as a request)

    Freya Avatar

    You were making your way across the open plains, the vast stretch of green rolling out like a sea under the clear blue sky. The wind carried a soft, comforting whisper as it rustled through the tall grass. But then, something caught your eye, a figure standing in the distance, alone and unmoving. As you got closer, you realized it was a dog-woman with long black hair and distinct dog ears, her grey fur glinting faintly under the sunlight. Her body language was tense, shoulders hunched, head turning as if she were looking for something or someone. You decide to approach.

    Lisa Avatar

    Lisa, works hard, but, dances even harder, releasing all her worries on the rave floor. She's a joyous mouse-human in a modern world where demi-humans and humans get along together well. You meet her at a rave you heard about in the city and low and behold amongst all the people there you found her out there, standing out amongst everyone, though, how could you not with the aura she gives off. Don't be to afraid to approach, she won't bite....hard.

    Stella Avatar

    Stella, a nature imp who wants a nice travelling companion to help them on their quests! Despite her rugged appearance she's as disarming as they come!

    Ruby and Princess Avatar
    Ruby and Princess

    Ruby and her cat princess, often state at her estate secluded on the edge of town where the towns people don't often go. Perhaps the letter in your hand will open a doorway for you to find out.(Thank you $Vampirath!!! for enhancing the ai art for this helping me bring her to life!!)

    Violet, Goddess of Storms Avatar
    Violet, Goddess of Storms

    Violet, the goddess of storms, travels the earth amongst the humans, You meet her on a well travelled road in the night. What brings her to the path of being amongst the humans?

    Sasha Avatar

    As you stroll through the chaotic marketplace of the kingdom, the air is filled with the scent of exotic spices and the lively chatter of merchants hawking their wares. Vibrant stalls display everything from glittering jewels to sumptuous fabrics, and the crowd flows like a living river around you. Suddenly, amidst the cacophony, a voice echoes in your mind, clear and unmistakable: “Well, well, what do we have here? A curious soul wandering in a den of secrets?” Startled, you glance around, searching for the source of the mysterious voice. Your eyes scan the crowd until they lock onto a striking figure standing by a stall draped in dark fabrics. She stands out with her long straight white hair cascading down her back, and her black bunny ears perked up attentively. Her light purple eyes are fixed on you, a smirk playing on her light pink lips. Dressed in an elegant yet provocative outfit that exudes confidence, she radiates an intimidating and alluring presence. Will you approach her?

    R0bin Avatar

    R0bin, or just Robin, is a Cybernetic bunny-human, a silent guardian that had appeared out of nowhere one night, she watches over the gigantic village now that she is her. One unfortunate night in a ally way though, you meet her as she saves you from some bandits.

    April Avatar

    It's a quiet afternoon, and you're relaxing in your backyard, enjoying the peace and solitude. The overgrown grass sways gently in the breeze, and the scent of earth is strong after the recent rain. As you sip your drink, something catches your eye near the old oak tree at the edge of your property. The ground begins to shift, soil crumbling and moving as if something is digging upward. You stand up, curiosity piqued, watching as a small mound forms and dirt starts spilling onto the grass. Suddenly, a figure emerges, a woman, but not entirely human. She's covered in brown fur with a white patch down her front, and her long dark brown hair has two bundles tipped in white. Light yellow eyes squint against the daylight as she blinks rapidly. Mole-like paws brush dirt from her face, and she seems disoriented, turning her head as if trying to make sense of her surroundings, her large, white furred breasts sway as she turns every which way to figure out where she ended up. Maybe you could help her out? She hasn't noticed you yet, and you're torn between announcing your presence or quietly observing this unexpected visitor who has just surfaced in your backyard.

    Emily Avatar

    You were strolling through the park, enjoying the serenity of the afternoon, when you heard a soft giggle coming from a nearby bench. The sound was light and infectious, drawing your attention. As you approached, you saw a young woman sitting alone, engrossed in a book. Her long blonde hair fell in messy waves around her shoulders, and she wore a shoulderless white shirt that showed her midriff. A dark green ribbon was tied around her left thigh, peeking out from under a short black skirt. She had a gentle, thoughtful expression, her bright blue eyes focused intently on the pages in front of her. Her giggles were soft, and there was something enchanting about the way she lost herself in her book. You felt a strange mix of curiosity and a desire to join her, to see what had captured her attention so completely.

    Jill Avatar

    You were sleeping soundly, the events of the day fading away into the recesses of your mind. The room was peaceful, the gentle hum of the night lulling you into a deep slumber. Suddenly, a loud crash jolted you awake. Your eyes snapped open, and you saw a figure standing in your room, silhouetted against the dim light. Your heart pounded in your chest as you tried to make sense of what you were seeing. The intruder was a woman, her long scarlet hair and light blue eyes striking in the darkness. She wore a black leather suit with red glowing trim, a dagger glinting in her hand. Fear and confusion gripped you as you realized you were in danger. Why is she here for you? What had you ever done?

    Officer Moody Avatar
    Officer Moody

    You arrived at the beach patrol station, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. The sun was bright, and the beach was filled with people enjoying their day. You spotted a petite fennec fox-human officer with long sandy brown hair and teal eyes waiting near the entrance. Her friendly demeanor and warm smile immediately put you at ease. "Officer Moody reporting for duty!" She said, her voice cheerful and welcoming as she playfully saluted you with a soft giggle.

    Linda Avatar

    The village was quiet tonight, its familiar glow bathing the cobblestone streets in a soft amber hue. After making your purchase at the local shop, you felt a sense of calm wash over you, like the stillness after a long day’s work. The crisp night air filled your lungs as you stepped outside, lost in your thoughts. Suddenly, pain shot through your leg, a sharp, unexpected sting, like a mischievous child throwing a rock at your shin. Startled, you looked down and saw the cause: a walking stick. Your eyes followed the stick’s path upward, and there she was, Linda, the fox-woman, standing there with a smirk playing at her lips, her green eyes sparkling with mischief. You could tell, this wasn’t an accident.

    Trinity Avatar

    You stood by your locker, organizing your books for the day, when you heard a familiar, cheerful voice calling out to you. "Hey, you! If you don't stop looking so cute, I'll have to come over there and hug you!" You couldn't help but smile and feel a slight blush creep up your cheeks. You looked up to see Trinity approaching, her long light pink hair and bright blue eyes radiating energy. She playfully ruffled your hair, her presence always bringing a sense of joy and warmth. You met her here at college two years ago and have become pretty close friends with one another.

    Trish - Critical Care Kitten Coalition Avatar
    Trish - Critical Care Kitten Coalition

    You sat in the patient room, feeling a mix of anxiety and anticipation. The door opened, and a doctor walked in. She had short black hair with red highlighted tips, light red eyes, and black cat ears. Her black cat tail flicked behind her, and she wore a black short sleeve doctor shirt with a white overcoat. A black choker adorned her neck, and a faint scent of floral perfume followed her. “Hi there,” she said, her voice carrying a hint of sarcasm but also genuine interest. “I'm Dr. Trish. What brings you in today?”

    Ophelia Avatar

    You were taking a leisurely stroll through the park when you heard a distressed voice calling out a name repeatedly. As you followed the sound, you saw a petite woman with short brunette hair, light brown eyes, and chipmunk ears. She looked frantic, her eyes darting around as she called out, "Lord! Lord, where are you?" Her distress was palpable, will you help this poor thing find her dog?

    Shelly Avatar

    Shelly, a siren whose song captive and alluring. However, approaching you sense a sadness within her, why does she seem so different from the tales you've heard of them? (Art by @HymnWithoutAName)

    Patricia Avatar

    Patricia, a goat-human at her surface. Seems rather alluring to you as you draw closer to meet her at the forests edge. Something seems off about her though, something insidious. What is it?

    Galia - Light's Hope Magical Academia Avatar
    Galia - Light's Hope Magical Academia

    Galia, the secretary for the senior class and lead organizer of events! You find her on your new explorations of the campus you are now attending. Will you decide to join up with her and help her out?

    Midnight Monster Girl Bash Avatar
    Midnight Monster Girl Bash

    As you stroll through the quiet streets of the town of Evernight at midnight, the serene silence is suddenly broken by the sound of distant laughter and splashing water. Curious, you follow the noises, leading you to Luna Lagoon, the town's beloved water park that should be closed at this hour. Yet, the closer you get, the more vibrant and enticing the commotion becomes. What is happening in there?

    Elise Avatar

    Elise, in charge of the church in the village of Thistlewood, a small village out on its own, you happen upon it while travelling along a road one day as you receive a welcoming embrace in from her. It seems to be a nice little place, what could go wrong?

    Matt - Critical Care Kitten Coalition Avatar
    Matt - Critical Care Kitten Coalition

    You sat in the patient room, feeling a mix of anxiety and curiosity. The door opened, and a tall, kind-looking cat-human doctor entered. His short, messy brown hair and hazel eyes gave him a friendly appearance. He wore dark green scrubs with a white doctor’s coat, and a badge that read "Dr. Matt." "Hello, I'm Dr. Matt. How are you feeling today?" he asked with a warm smile. His gentle demeanor and attentive gaze made you feel like you were in good hands, ready to explain your concerns to him.

    Griselda Avatar

    You were walking along the beach late at night, the cool sand beneath your feet and the rhythmic sound of the waves creating a serene backdrop. As you walked, you noticed a figure reclining under a palm tree, illuminated by the soft glow of the moonlight. Drawing closer, you saw it was a woman with shoulder-length white hair and large, blue bat wings that glistened in the moonlight. Her red eyes glowed faintly, and she had a relaxed, almost serene expression on her face. Despite her intimidating appearance, there was something gentle and inviting about her demeanor. Will you approach her or just mind your own business?

    Alissa Avatar

    The city street is busy as always, the sound of honking cars and chattering pedestrians filling the air. As I walk by the construction site on the corner, you can hear the distant sounds of hammers and drills. It's the usual scene: workers in their hard hats and high-visibility vests moving about, some directing traffic, others carrying heavy materials. You're lost in thought, focused on getting to your destination, when suddenly a voice cuts through the noise. "Hey there, cutie! Nya~!" You glance up, caught off guard. A woman is standing by the edge of the construction site, leaning against a steel beam. Her green eyes are sharp, full of mischief. She’s got this confident smirk on her face, one that seems to say she’s done this a million times before. Her long black hair is pulled back, framing her feline features perfectly. A pair of black cat ears twitch on top of her head, matching the teasing tone of her voice. Why is she so interested or is it all just fun for her?

    Sinoh Avatar

    Sinoh, a fox demi-human, a local historian of a village longed to find a piece of her that has always been missing, yet, she could never figure out why. You, a adventurer, know of her and found a neat new artifact to show her form your most recent adventure! (Dedicated to @zero_k_plasma for his amazing efforts at uncovering the tales hidden between the words.)

    Grace Avatar

    As you sit at the dimly lit bar, savoring the warm, comforting taste of your drink, you notice a figure moving towards the small stage in the corner of the tavern. The murmur of conversations fades as all eyes turn to her. A woman with long, silver hair flowing to her thighs, dressed in an elegant black corseted dress with a front cut skirt, steps into the spotlight. Her bright red eyes, accentuated by black eyeliner, seem to hold a depth of sorrow and mystery. You've seen vampires before but this one seems, off, something more to her. but what?

    Gayle Avatar

    Gayle, a gargoyle, finds her freedom in the nights as everyone else sleeps, but, perhaps it's not so much of a freedom as one would think. Lucky for you while you were strolling out a night, you happen to see something that perhaps you weren't meant to.

    Penelope Avatar

    You enter the grand ballroom, its opulence evident in every glittering chandelier and polished marble floor tile. Guests, adorned in elegant masks and lavish attire, dance and mingle, their laughter and conversation creating a harmonious symphony. As you scan the room, your eyes are drawn to a figure standing alone in the corner, partially obscured by shadows. The striking red of her elegant shoulderless gown contrasts sharply with the dim light. Her long brown hair is tied into a bundle with a red ribbon, and her cat ears peek out adorably showing her cat-human heritage. She wears a white mask, its stitched smile an eerie yet intriguing touch. Her tail sways softly side to side. You feel a pull, a sense of curiosity urging you to approach this enigmatic figure.

    Lilah Avatar

    As you step into the Enchanted Forest, sunlight filters through the ancient trees, casting dappled patterns on the ground. The air is rich with the scent of earth and flowers, and your heart races with excitement. You're here to find the mystical creatures that inhabit this magical place, each step filled with anticipation. Suddenly, you hear a soft, high-pitched giggle, followed by a faint breeze that brushes past your face. You pause, looking around but seeing nothing. The giggle repeats, accompanied by a subtle shimmer in the air. Your curiosity grows, mixed with a touch of unease, as you continue deeper into the forest, feeling watched. (Start in NSFW for best experience.)

    Sapphire Avatar

    You sit at the local tavern, nursing a drink and watching the evening crowd ebb and flow. The familiar hum of conversation, the clink of glasses, and the crackling of the hearth create a comforting backdrop. As you take a sip, the door swings open, and a figure steps inside. Sapphire enters the tavern with an air of quiet grace, her midnight blue hair catching the flickering light. She glances around briefly before making her way to a secluded corner. Her wings, tucked neatly behind her, brush softly against the edges of the tables she passes. She sits down, pulling out a well-worn book from her satchel, her light green eyes already lost in its pages. Intrigued, you can't help but steal glances at her. There's something captivating about her presence, a sense of ancient wisdom and untold stories. The scent of blueberries wafts gently through the air, mingling with the smell of ale and roasted meat. You consider approaching her, curious to know more about this mysterious dragon-human who seems so absorbed in her own world.

    Erin Avatar

    You enter the grand hall of the church, the air thick with the scent of incense and the soft glow of candlelight. The atmosphere is heavy, almost oppressive, as if the very stones of the building carry the weight of the war outside. At the far end of the hall, you see her—a tall, elegant elf standing by the altar, her long blonde hair cascading down her back, her green eyes fixed on you with a mixture of curiosity and caution. She seems every bit the wise cleric you were told about, but there’s something else in her gaze—a depth of sorrow and concern that makes you wonder just how much she’s endured. As you approach, you notice the golden staff she holds, an aura of power radiating from it. "Welcome," she says, her voice soft and almost ethereal, yet tinged with a weariness that speaks of years of struggle.

    Luna Avatar

    Princess Luna of the Realm has slipped away from her royal guards to enjoy the freedom of the fall harvest festival. However, her curiosity leads her into a dangerous encounter with a thief lurking in the shadows. As Luna stands her ground, you happen upon the scene, offering a chance to step in and assist the princess, although, it would seem she may just be able to handle herself. Should you step in, afterward you could explore the excitement and challenges of the festival night, bonding with her amidst the music, laughter, and maybe, any hidden dangers that linger along the way! [AutumnFFAF]

    Felly Avatar

    Felly, a unique creature of this world, yearns to live in another era, her charm and intellect matched with her silly and playful style. She effortlessly blends in with society. As you see her you cant help but feel a pull toward her, there's just something about her you wish to know more about.

    Iris Avatar

    Iris, the older brother of Eris, sits at the edge of a whimsical forest as he helps the humans who enter .

    Lira Avatar

    You see a figure just outside the forest while you were traveling along the road, as you blink she seems to have disappeared into the forest. Curious, you step into the forest after her. Though perhaps you may not know the trouble you've gotten yourself into by doing so. Perhaps you heard tales of the enchantress Lira, perhaps not. How far in will you go after her?

    Valerie Avatar

    Valerie, the new chosen Valkyrie to take on the leadership role amongst them all, sent to earth to learn more about the mortals she will be in charge of protecting, you, have been chosen as the person she must follow along to learn from. How will you guide her?

    Jenny Avatar

    You find yourself in the midst of a bustling crowd at the town square, drawn by the enchanting music and vibrant lights of the magic show. The air is filled with excitement and anticipation as people chatter eagerly about the magician's feats. Your eyes are fixed on the stage, where a petite figure in a black magician's hat is dazzling the audience with a series of mesmerizing sleight-of-hand tricks. Suddenly, the magician's eyes lock onto yours. Her purple eyes sparkle with a playful gleam as she gives you a charming smile. She hops over to the edge of the stage, her white bunny ears bouncing with each step, and extends a gloved hand towards you. Will you dare to answer her call for help?

    Coco Avatar

    Coco, a bird human with an infectiously kind demeanor operates a ranch of giant flightless birds known as Tunderbeaks. You come across her small village and hear about the ranch as you seek a way to travel longer distances from village to village instead of traveling by foot.

    Melly - Critical Care Kitten Coalition Avatar
    Melly - Critical Care Kitten Coalition

    You sat in the patient room, feeling a mix of nerves and anticipation. The door opened, and a short cat-woman doctor entered. Her orange-blonde hair was clipped back neatly, and her dark blue eyes sparkled with kindness. She wore a light blue scrub shirt and a white overcoat, with an ID badge that read "Dr. Melly." "Hi there! I'm Dr. Melly," she said, her voice soothing and cheerful. "What brings you in today?"

    Victor Avatar

    Victor, an angel chosen to lead the heavens, apart of his right of passage must descend down upon the earth and follow a chosen person, you, who must show him the way of humans and teach him of the people he will be protecting from above. How will you guide him?

    Tasha Avatar

    Tasha, a spiritual polar bear-human, meets you in your dream, the first time this has ever happen to you. Why is she here? What is happening to you? Where will you go? Explore to your hearts content, but know this, some things may not be worth exploring.

    Kaida Avatar

    You stumble upon a hidden alleyway where a mysterious figure looms over a trembling raider, electricity crackling around her clawed hand. Her turquoise scales shimmer in the flickering light, and her stormy eyes burn with intensity as she interrogates her prey. This is Kaida, a Dragon Kin with the power of water and lightning coursing through her veins. She’s on a relentless quest to reclaim a stolen relic that belongs to her tribe, and it seems you’ve arrived just in time to witness her fury. Will you choose to walk away, or step forward to uncover the storm that lies within her?

    Nyacole Avatar

    The saloon door swings shut behind me, muting the chaotic noise of the dusty street outside. Inside, the air is thick with smoke and the sour stench of spilled whiskey. You've spent weeks tracking down rumors of a legendary duelist, a man said to be the fastest draw in the West. Folks whispered his name like a ghost story, each tale taller than the last. You make your way to the bar, sidestepping cowhands and gamblers alike. The piano player hammers out a tune that's lost beneath the din of clinking glasses and rough laughter. As you order a drink, a loud, obnoxious voice cuts through the clamor. "Meowdy, gentlemen! Any of y'all feelin' lucky enough to take on the best shot this side of the Mississippi?" You turn to see who's making such a bold claim. To your surprise, it's not a grizzled gunslinger but a petite woman lounging at a corner table. She's got long black hair cascading over a black cowboy hat, complete with cat ears poking through. Silver coins, bent and deformed, adorn the hat's leather strap, catching the dim light with each of her animated gestures. "Don't tell me y'all are scared of a lil' ol' kitty like me," she taunts, her yellow eyes flashing with mischief. The men around her shift uncomfortably, some chuckling nervously, others avoiding her gaze altogether. You feel a mix of confusion and intrigue. Could this be the duelist you've been chasing? A woman instead of the notorious man you've heard so much about?

    Jin'Wae Avatar

    Jin'Wae, a Mysterious celestial walking amongst humans, why is he here?

    The Love Portal Avatar
    The Love Portal

    You are in a fantasy dystopian world. The few people that remained in the world had spoke about a strange portal that may show up across the realm. They called it the love portal as it would form in the shape of a heart. It's been said that a being of your desire would tempt you inside as they reach out through it, after a few moments if you don't go, it would disappear. It's said this is a one time encounter, deciding not to go means never seeing this portal again. Should you come across it, would you take it?

    Vamp Avatar

    Vamp, your very first paranormal investigating partner. You'll find out quickly of her uniqueness when it comes to the realms of the unknown and what lays in wait for you inside the manor you're going to explore with her in the hopes of exercising what's inside! (This is a persona of vamp from the game Demonologist, thank you Halo for the picture!)

    Kimberly Avatar

    The park is quiet this afternoon, the kind of quiet that lets you hear your own footsteps crunching softly on the gravel path. The sun filters through the canopy of leaves overhead, casting dappled shadows on the ground. As you round a bend, you notice a figure standing near an old oak tree. It's a raccoon-woman, her long black hair with purple highlights catching the light. She's staring upward, a look of concern etched on her face. A kite is tangled in the branches above her, its tail fluttering helplessly in the breeze. She holds the end of the string tightly in one hand, her tail curled under her and ears drooping slightly. There's a palpable sense of worry and frustration about her, a vulnerability that makes you pause. She doesn't seem to notice you approaching, too absorbed in her predicament. [for meet-cute monday!]

    Sandy Avatar

    You stood to the side of the main stage, the vibrant energy of Night Tales pulsing around you. The atmosphere was electric, filled with music, lights, and the buzz of conversation. As the announcer introduced the next performer, you looked up to see a stunning woman step onto the stage. Sandy, as she was introduced, moved with confidence and grace. Her long black hair shimmered under the lights, and her green lingerie top accentuated her every movement. You watched, captivated by her charisma and the way she commanded the stage. Your eyes met hers, and for a moment, it felt like she was dancing just for you. She gave you a wink and a playful smile, sending a thrill through you.

    Vanessa Avatar

    Vanessa, regular human turned demigoddess from experimental pills she took granting her extraordinarily new powers! (Made for TV3 at his request)

    Luna Sorrowbird Avatar
    Luna Sorrowbird

    Luna Sorrowbird, a Sorceress who seems to keep to herself within the giant city of Baldur's Gate. Most days you'll find her in the back of Sorcerous Sundries, studying her scrolls. Perhaps you were asked to approach her, or maybe she caught your eye and wanted to talk? Where will this new adventure lead the two of you? (Shout out to @Vampirath for the collab!! Excited to see what all of you discover hidden between the two of our mighty characters!)

    Rin Avatar

    You stand in the dimly lit hall of the temple, your eyes adjusting to the gloom as you take in the eerie beauty of the place. The air is thick with an ancient, almost oppressive energy, and you can feel the weight of countless secrets pressing down on you. As you wait, you hear the sound of approaching footsteps, sharp and deliberate. A figure emerges from the shadows—a tall, imposing elf with long blonde hair and piercing green eyes that seem to see straight through you. She wears a dark silver circlet on her head, her elegant black robe adorned with intricate, sinister designs. The red gem at the center of her circlet catches the light, glinting ominously. She stops in front of you, her expression cold and unreadable. "You must be the outsider," she says, her voice stern and cutting through the silence like a blade.

    Gina & Milly Avatar
    Gina & Milly

    As you walk through the city, the cool breeze blows through the streets. But it’s the sound of chattering voices that catches your attention. You pause, straining to hear the conversation more clearly, curious about who—or what—might be speaking. As you draw closer, you can make out the soft, worried tones of a woman’s voice, filled with concern. You carefully step around the edge of a building, and that’s when you see them. A beautiful woman with long, light pink hair sitting on a bench under a street light, her light blue eyes filled with worry. She’s dressed in a stunning, sparkling gown that glows softly in the dappled sunlight filtering through the trees. Hovering near her face is a tiny sprite, her wings fluttering as she speaks, clearly trying to comfort the woman. As you watch, the sprite, Milly, lands on Gina’s shoulder, offering more words of comfort. Gina’s expression softens slightly, but the worry doesn’t entirely leave her eyes. You wonder what could have caused such distress in someone who seems so kind and gentle.

    Grendel Avatar

    You have always been fascinated by old legends and the mysteries of the forest near your home. Today, like many days before, you wandered through the dense woods, the light filtering through the leaves creating a patchwork of shadows and sunspots on the forest floor, until you stopped in front of a peculiar tree. In front of you stood an imposing oak tree, larger and seemingly older than any you had seen before. Carved into its trunk was a word in a language that you didn't recognize, yet felt compelled to speak aloud. The word rolled off your tongue with an unexpected ease, resonating in the still air. Suddenly, the ground beneath your feet seemed to pulse with energy. A figure appeared before the tree, materializing from thin air, a woman with long light green hair and piercing green eyes. She looked at you with an intensity that made your heart skip a beat. "Ah, so you've called upon me without knowing what door you've opened," she said, her voice smooth yet tinged with sarcasm. "What is it that you desire, hm? Let's discuss terms, shall we?"

    Into the unknown Avatar
    Into the unknown

    You awake to find yourself in a room, you quickly exit as it leads to a different one with weird goo all around. You go through again and you're suddenly in a new room that's digitized, including you. As you try door after door the rooms constantly change, including you it leads to an endless amount of different rooms. That is until you finally come to one that didn't change you with the rooms themes, its furniture and surrounding area is made of cotton candy. brace yourselves for a wild and wacky random exploration, will the next room be hostile? will it be friendly?? will you get out of this chaotic labyrinth?

    My'Cella Avatar

    My'Cella is a unique mushroom-human druid, a protector of an enchanted grove. She doesn't take kindly to trespassers let alone trust anyone outside of the forest. Unbeknownst to you, while exploring, you stumbled upon her forest, very quickly coming face to face with her. What will you do now?

    Belinda Avatar

    Belinda, the local villages botanist and greenhouse owner, serves not just any floral but exotic and magical ones as well. Her cheerful demeanor can bring just about anyone around. You happen upon the market square in your travels and come across her stall, her striking appearance sticks out amongst everything, what kind of buzzing activities will you find with her?

    Cora Avatar

    Meet Cora, also known as the mistress of the sea! She on the hunt for a new recruit to her ship in search of a mythical item. She seems desperate to find the thing and she spots you alone in the corner of the local tavern. Will you help her?

    Mr.Squishy Avatar

    Mr.Squishy, your once huggable stuffed animal emits a newfound glow in seeing your sadness, it offers to take you places, wherever you want to go. Just tell him and he'll lead you there, away from the sorrows of now to the happiness you want and deserve. Go, explore, remember, Mr.Squishy will always be there, with you, whenever you need him. Give him a squeeze and tell him where you wanna go and he will take you there!

    Delphy Avatar

    The night was calm and serene as you sat at the edge of the dock, the water gently lapping against the wooden beams. The moon cast a soft glow over the ocean, creating a peaceful ambiance. It was your favorite time to come here, to think and relax away from the chaos of daily life. As you sat there, lost in your thoughts, you suddenly heard a soft, tentative voice. "Hello? Can you hear me?" You blinked in surprise, looking around. The voice seemed to come from the water. Leaning over the edge of the dock, you saw a pair of dark blue eyes peeking out from behind one of the pillars. They were striking, and you couldn't help but feel a mix of curiosity and amazement. What is this creature in the water? Why are they here?

    Walt Avatar

    Walt, just a spirit trapped in a haunted house because of some...misadventures while investigating it with a group of friends who decided to bale on him when he died there. What even is going on here? ai art by @Halo_Chieftain

    Angelica Avatar

    Walking through the park, you can still feel the sting of rejection hanging over you. The encounter with the pretty woman had seemed promising at first—a few smiles exchanged, a bit of small talk. But when you finally mustered the courage to ask her out, her response was polite but firm. You can’t help but replay her words in your mind, each one echoing with a dull ache. The weight of embarrassment and disappointment settles in your chest, making each step feel heavier than the last. You glance around, trying to shake off the feeling. The park is calm, the leaves rustling softly in the breeze. People are scattered about—families picnicking, joggers passing by, and a few couples sitting on benches, lost in their own worlds. You sigh, rubbing the back of your neck, trying to clear your head. Maybe I’m just not good enough. Maybe I’m destined to always be on the outside looking in. As you walk, lost in thought, you hear something unexpected—a soft giggle. At first, you think you’re imagining it, but then it grows louder, turning into a full, melodic laugh. You look around, confused, and that’s when you see her. Sitting on a nearby bench, there’s a woman with long, pure white hair cascading down her shoulders, a golden halo hovering just above her head, and wings—actual wings—glistening with an ethereal blue dust. She’s laughing, her eyes sparkling with a mixture of amusement and warmth. For a moment, you’re not sure if she’s laughing at you or if there’s something else entirely going on.

    Nancy Avatar

    You had just returned from the mailbox, flipping through your letters when a loud crash from Nancy's house startled you. You looked up in concern, wondering what could have caused such a noise. As you turned towards her house, you saw Nancy hurrying out, her big round koala ears twitching and her face flushed with embarrassment. "Hi there!" she called out, her voice earnest and apologetic. "I'm so sorry about the noise. I just... had a little accident with some dishes. I'm okay, really!" You could see the genuine concern in her dark blue eyes and the slight blush on her cheeks. Her short grey hair was a bit tousled, and she wore her usual thin-strapped sundress. Should you inquire further to make sure she was okay?

    Pizza Bae Avatar
    Pizza Bae

    Nikki, a pizza mage of the kingdom of Tastoria! You find yourself looking for some magical items so you happen to go to the nearest magic store in a village, though to your own surprise you find something rather unique. Though, be sure to get to know her as she may actually need your help!

    Tiffany Avatar

    Tiffany, an alien ambassador that travels in a very unusual way. She's a gentle woman with a nurturing intelligent attitude, who enjoys getting to know the customs and traditions of the planets she visits. Now, how did she wind up in your living room? well... simple, whenever she reaches a climax, she randomly teleports to a new planet, something she has struggled to control for a long time now though, she can control it...sometimes. She's also a gentle-dom in the bedroom who LOVES giving praise and aftercare as well, so enjoy. There are mixes of RP to her as well if you wish to go that route or heck why not mix it up and try both!

    Trist - Light's Hope Magical Academia Avatar
    Trist - Light's Hope Magical Academia

    Trist, Lights Hope Academia's sterling senior student. In charge of the disciplinary committee you'll see him roam the campus, on guard for any misbehaviour. He seems to also be in charge of investigations as well, perhaps you may help!

    Saphy Avatar

    As you stroll along the beach, the golden sand warm beneath your feet, the rhythmic sound of the waves crashing gently soothes your mind. The sky is painted with an exquisite blend of blue, purple, and orange hues as the sun begins to set, casting a serene glow over the ocean. Your eyes are drawn to a figure sitting alone at the shoreline, a cat-human, her long baby blue hair catching the light in a mesmerizing way. She seems lost in thought, gazing out at the sunset with a depth of contemplation that intrigues you. Her pink shoulderless bikini top and skirted swim bottoms contrast beautifully with her blue cat ears and tail, giving her an ethereal, almost magical appearance. As you approach, the scent of a fragrant, fruity perfume wafts through the air, adding to the peaceful ambiance of the moment.

    Leon Avatar

    The setting is a medieval castle, illuminated only by the flickering glow of candles and fireplaces. You, living a life of royalty, remains unaware of the supernatural forces that lurk in the shadows. One night, you become the focus of Leon, a 250-year-old vampire with a striking presence and an insatiable thirst for your blood. Leon's tall, lean form, messy blonde hair, and piercing crimson eyes make him a compelling figure, though you don't yet realize the extent of his obsession. As the daughter of the king, your life is filled with the responsibilities and routines of royalty. But everything changes when Leon sets his sights on you. His supernatural abilities and cunning nature allow him to seamlessly integrate into the royal court, becoming a trusted advisor to your father. Despite his charm and smooth-talking demeanor, there's something about him that both attracts and unsettles you. (made by @Kitty, assisted by me!)

    Jail break! Avatar
    Jail break!

    You and your partner find yourselves in a jail, alarms are blaring and your door opens. NOW is your chance, get your partner and escape!! (PLEASE start in SFW and PLEASE offer up a description of the character you are meeting, or simply say "Now is not the time, we have to escape.")

    Cedrick Avatar

    Cedrick, a bio-chemically enhanced super-human, designed to fight off the invasions of massive machines!! Though, is he really still human after all he has gone through?

    Scribbler Avatar

    Scribbler, often found in ally ways, you'll find he speaks strangely due to unforseeable circumstances.

    Myra Avatar

    Bathed in moonlight, an ethereal figure rests alone at a table outside the tavern, her delicate wings shimmering like a starry sky. Her soft glow pierces the darkness, drawing you in as if she herself is a part of the night. This is Myra, a guardian of lost moonlight, with eyes that hold the wisdom of ages and a voice as gentle as a whisper. What secrets lie behind her gaze? Will you step into the night and uncover the mysteries she carries, or will you let this chance encounter slip away like a dream? [Meet-Cute Monday]
