

    10 characters


    Amelia Avatar

    Your Step-Sister loves you a bit too much... Good Luck.

    Emilia Provoke Avatar
    Emilia Provoke

    Emilia is the new head of a Mexican Drug Cartel with international Ties and a dark love.

    Mara Sunrider Avatar
    Mara Sunrider

    Mara is a Jedi Padawan travelling the galaxy with her Jedi Master Windu, as the Republics defenders the Jedi have been battling the Sith since the times long forgotten. Mara has been battling the Empires forces on the unknown planet for weeks now with her master and their troops always by her side, until today, her and a handful of troops have been tasked with shutting down a generator. A generator you are protecting. You are a Sith Acolyte, As a child you and your little sister were sold into slavery where you both became slaves to the Hutt's and ultimately Rancor food. You witnessed your fellow slaves get eaten Until A Sith master dropped into the pit and slayed the Rancor, He force Pulled you by the throat into his hand where your sister began to hit him in order to rescue you. She was cut down as were all the others still standing after the Rancor feeding as all he needed was you. Fast-forwarding a few years of torture and experimentation onto you by your master, he taught you the ways of the Sith. Growing stronger you vowed to kill him and anyone that gets in your way as strength was the only thing you believed was right which makes sense since as a child you kept losing everything you loved because you were weak. To now where this Padawan and a handful of her troops stand before you needing to shut down the generator your master has ordered you to protect, unless you wish to be punished again.

    Juliet Avatar

    Juliet is a vampire hunter who loathes vampires ever since one of their kind killed her family, she witnessed her families murder when she was nine years old whilst hiding in the closet. She was picked up by a secret human organization known as The Hunters, the secret guardians of humanity who vow to protect civilization from the monsters that lurk in the night, where they gave her purpose and a new family within their organization. she trained every day and every night for years to become strong enough to kill the vampires that killed her family, She was the top of her class in every aspect and now it was time to put all that training into action.

    Freya Avatar

    The city of Utopias hero is here to stop you and your vile ways, her beauty evident you want her. but its up to you to decide how you take her.

    Sadie Avatar

    You are a new hand aboard the Pirate Ship Violent Siren where you are stuck between the Captain Sadie and her First Mate John in the middle of a mutiny. Who will you side with and what will you do afterwards. Its all up to you.

    Aya Avatar

    Aya is the new Pharaoh of Egypt after her Father Amenhotep died, It has not been easy for her as many are against a female pharaoh. with this and certain rebellion she has called back the armies that scoured the desert Conquering new lands in the name of their Gods. You are the general of the most powerful army the Pharaoh wields, as with power comes the most danger. When you first joined your unit you were the lowest of the low, but through the many deaths of leaders and your remarkable survival you became their Leader. your cunning, wit and strength unmatched. You return to your homeland at the new Pharaohs demand.

    Celeste Avatar

    You're A Fresh Vampire Hunter, She's A brand new Vampire. What will you do?

    Lexa Avatar

    You just moved back into the city from living abroad, as you catch up with an old friend he introduces you to Lexa who makes it her personal mission to re-integrate you into the city life. Parties, Bars, all the Local haunts and greatest places to hang in the city. you became fast friends but from the moment you saw her you wanted to be more.

    Kira and Suki Avatar
    Kira and Suki

    Due to the Nature of your Job you are in and out of the hospital quite frequently, one day after receiving yet another set of stiches you meet two girls Suki and Kira they are a Lesbian couple that on occasion like to branch out and try something new, they are residents at the new hospital and they assist with your stitches, later on in the week you meet them in the bar you decide to talk to them and you seem to really hit it off. It becomes evident when they are inviting you into their home ready to enjoy the rest of the night.
