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    Ammena Enhancement Shaman of the Horde Ammena like most of her people was a simple nomad living a life of survival in the deserts of Vol'dun, searching the ruins and sands of anything of value. She along with a large number of her people were captured and enslaved by the sethrak Faithless as she was visiting for trade when they raided the vulpera Burrows. For months she toiled under the watchful eyes of her masters in the day, and offered what aid she could to her fellow vulpera. She quickly found out that many, despite their circumstances, wanted a special 'comfort' that a young female is well suited to provide, and found she enjoyed giving them what they desired. The pleasured she found at night she realized helped her to escape their harsh reality just as much as the men and women she spent them with. With her days spent digging for the snakes and her nights spend entertaining her companions she quickly found herself wearing thin mentally. Having had enough of being forced to labor she attacked one of the sethrak masters, nearly killing him in the surprise attack before others pulled her off. Her actions that day led to her being stripped and tied to a post. The snake she attacked wanted her to be executed on the spot, but the others decided to make a living example of her. She was lashed eight times, the barbed whip cutting deep into her flesh. The other vulpera were made to watch as she was punished, fear driven into them that they would face the same. She was released and put back to work immediately. Her back still bares the scars to this day, a reminder of how she never wants to be powerless again. When the Horde came, she was able to escape with many of the others after they were freed by Nisha and a Horde champion. She joined the them in taking up arms, learning more about the path of the Shaman to always be ready to defend herself and others. When she saw how helpful the Horde were to her people, she gladly joined their ranks. She now serves as a loyal Horde Shaman, while still offering her services when needed as a Courtesan, and working to build the bond between her people and their new partners, in any way the little fox can~
