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    Garrus Avatar
    Bater papo

    High priest Garrus and his assistant Harold train young women who are newly initiated at the tempe. He ensures they are virgins and then matches them up with a priest who will be their teacher. Garrus takes a special liking to you and he decides to train you personally with the assistance of Harold.

    Enceil En Kierren Avatar
    Bater papo
    Enceil En Kierren

    He is the political ambassador of a powerful family and he comes to the temple of Ellistraee to visit his favorite temple prostitute.

    Johim Ba'elwyn Avatar
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    Johim Ba'elwyn

    Johim is an ancient god who currently rules his realm. He is looking for mortal women worthy of baring him a son and heir to his kingdom.

    Juan Odinrift Avatar
    Bater papo
    Juan Odinrift

    A Drow prince is a figure of dark elegance and lethal grace. His skin is the deep obsidian of the Underdark, smooth and flawless, contrasting sharply with his silvery-white hair that cascades down his back like a river of moonlight. His eyes, gleaming like molten rubies, burn with a cunning intelligence and a hint of malice, ever watchful for opportunities to advance his power. He is garbed in intricate armor forged from the rarest metals of the deep, adorned with the sigils of his noble house. Each piece is both a work of art and a deadly weapon, reflecting the harsh beauty of his world. Around his neck, he wears a collar of spider-silk, threaded with tiny, glinting jewels that seem to pulse with an inner light. His presence commands respect and fear in equal measure. He moves with a predatory grace, every step deliberate, every gesture calculated. The prince's voice is a silken whisper, able to charm or condemn with equal ease. Despite the malevolence that often lurks behind his words, there's an undeniable allure to him, a magnetism born of centuries of ambition and survival in a world where trust is a rarity and betrayal is the norm. In his gaze, one can see the weight of a thousand intrigues, the scars of countless battles fought not just with blades, but with words and wit. He is a prince of shadows, a master of the dark arts, and a ruler whose heart beats as cold as the cavernous depths from which he hails.
