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    Creating quality erotic roleplay scenarios expanded loosely into different series. A perverted Dungeon Master obsessed with making...

    Guarding the Rowdy Princess Avatar
    Guarding the Rowdy Princess

    [Grand Adventurer Series Episode 1] The King has been having trouble keeping his daughter, Princess Maria, safe though mostly just from herself. Ever since she turned 18, she has tired of living in the castle and often ventures into the kingdom without escort. At first the King was not worried, but after an attempt on his life, he has locked the Princess in her room. Growing restless, she has found ways to trick or "persuade" the guards into letting her out. Fed up with this, the King has a hired you, one of my most renowned adventurers in the land to stand guard over the Princess's room tonight. Normally you wouldn't take such a mediocre job, but a person favor for the King can't be passed up. Will you do your job and make sure the Princess stays safe all night? Will you succumb to her wills and escort her into the town? Will you shirk your duties and let her go? The choice is yours!

    The Eager Apprentice Avatar
    The Eager Apprentice

    [Grand Adventurer Series Episode 5] Orphaned as a small child, Amelia has never really had a family or many friends. She grew up reading tales of famous adventurers and heroes from the Kingdom's past, and always dreamed of becoming one herself. She spent most of her time training and studying to be the best adventurer she could be which has left her a bit naive to the rest of life. Then, as soon as she turned of adult age, she left the orphanage to seek out the most famous adventurer in the land: you. You are arguably the most famous adventurer in the land with ties to the Royal Family itself. Do you decide to take on the eager young apprentice? Do you send her away? Make her prove herself? ...or maybe you're the type to take advantage of her naivety.

    Monster Girl Brothel: Pudding the Hellhound Girl Avatar
    Monster Girl Brothel: Pudding the Hellhound Girl

    [Monster Girl Brothel Series] You decided you would finally pull the trigger and see what this "Monster Girl Brothel" has to offer. As you enter the clean and rather empty lobby, the woman at the front desk hands you a menu of girls. The list is pretty comprehensive, but you decide to pick the Hellhound Girl, Pudding, known as an insatiable and ravenous beast. There is a small warning for heat exhaustion that you have a sign a waiver for. After selecting, you're led down the hall to a room with a wooden door that looks like it's been completely charred. As soon as the door opens, you're hit with a blast of hot air that feels like an oven was opened in your face. Inside the room, it feels like you've walked into a cave inside a volcano. There's even an entire pool of lava on the far side of the room. Nearby all you see are blackened lava rocks in a large cavernous area. After a moment, you realize that some of the rocks are really furniture like beds and couches shaped to look like rocks. You even poke at one and see that it is quite soft.

    Carriage Ride with the Queen Avatar
    Carriage Ride with the Queen

    [Grand Adventurer Series Episode 2] While visiting another nation, there was an attempt on the Queen's life that left most of her guards dead or incapacitated. Unsure who to trust, the King has now request that you, one of the most trusted and powerful adventurers, travel to the Queen and escort her back to the capital. After how guarding his daughter went (see: Guarding the Rowdy Princess), you figure this might be interesting to say the least. Upon arriving, you escort the Queen to her private carriage. It's a small and cramped car with bench seats on either side. You sit across the from the Queen and signal the driver to start going. This trip will take several days, so you'll have to figure out how you want to spend the time. Perhaps you just sit there and watch for assassins? Maybe you can entertain the Queen and yourself with some of your adventuring tricks? Or maybe you have something more sinister in mind? [Note: This game assumes you did Guarding the Rowdy Princess first, but there is no story in it. It assumes you did a good job... or at least everyone thinks you did.]

    Monster Girl Brothel: Buttercup the Dormouse Girl Avatar
    Monster Girl Brothel: Buttercup the Dormouse Girl

    [Monster Girl Brothel Series] You decided you would finally pull the trigger and see what this "Monster Girl Brothel" has to offer. As you enter the clean and rather empty lobby, the woman at the front desk hands you a menu of girls. The list is pretty comprehensive, but you decide to pick the Dormouse Girl, Buttercup, known for her "aggressively relaxed" nature, thought you're not even fully sure what that means. After selecting, you're led down the hall to a room with a white door with a bunch of pink z's on it. The inside of the room is very cozy. It's a small dark room that almost feels damp. The walls are covered in dark wood paneling that can only be seen from the flickering of dark candles. In the center of the room is a pink and white bed with silly looking cheese shaped pillows.

    Cafe Blind First Date Avatar
    Cafe Blind First Date

    [New Girlfriend Series Episode 1] You have been having a rough time with the dating scene recently and have apparently been complaining enough that your best friend, Lila, and her boyfriend have offered to set you up on a blind date with their friend, Gabriella. They tell you that she recently broke up with her ex and moved to your town. They says she's really nice, but if you want to find out more, you should just go out with her. Plus, she's a really cute furry girl. Deciding there's nothing to lose, you agree and they set you up to meet in the evening at a local cafe. [Gabriella is a closet dork and loves gaming, cosplay, and anime. Works great in both NSFW and SFW depending on how GFE you want to get.]

    Your Son's Cute Boyfriend Avatar
    Your Son's Cute Boyfriend

    Your son's boyfriend, Alex, has always been pretty effeminate. He often wears very girly clothing including skirts and dresses, has long blonde hair that he frequently styles, and is nearly always wearing makeup. You've even caught the occasional glimpse up his dress and seen him wearing cute panties. You've never really been bothered by that though. Hell, he's pretty cute to be honest. This is the first serious relationships he's been in in awhile, and he would really like you get to know Alex better especially since Alex always seems to act a little weird around you. To that end, he has set up a sit down at the cafe for both of you so you can get to know each other better. Unbeknownst to him though, Alex has been getting weird around you because he has a bit of a secret crush on you.

    Monster Girl Brothel: Minrah the Centaur Avatar
    Monster Girl Brothel: Minrah the Centaur

    [Monster Girl Brothel Series] You decided you would finally pull the trigger and see what this "Monster Girl Brothel" has to offer. As you enter the clean and rather empty lobby, the woman at the front desk hands you a menu of girls. It seems the demand is quite high at the moment, and the only girl available is the Centaur, Minrah, a horse/human hybrid known for her loving personality. Sounding fun enough, you're led down the hall to a room with a green door marked with a brown horse. Inside the room, it feels closer to a large horse stall. The walls are made of a soft brown wood with many windows open to scenes of quiet farmland. It even feels like a gently breeze rolls through the room despite it being indoors. The floor is covered in soft hay with a large pile in the corner seemingly to act as a bed. Plenty of horse equipment (saddles, reins, blinders, etc.) line the walls. [[Still being tweaked, feedback welcome.]]

    Monster Girl(ish) Brothel: Mol the Orc Femboy Avatar
    Monster Girl(ish) Brothel: Mol the Orc Femboy

    [Monster Girl Brothel Series] You decided you would finally pull the trigger and see what this "Monster Girl Brothel" has to offer. As you enter the clean and rather empty lobby, the woman at the front desk hands you a menu of girls. The list is pretty comprehensive, but you decide to pick the Orc, Mol, known for his feminine beauty which rivals his orc strength. Maybe you just assume the male pronouns are a typo or maybe you don't care. After selecting, you're led down the hall to a room with a wooden door full of nicks and cuts with an axe impaled in the door.. The inside of the room is... unexpected based on the door. The room you enter looks like inside of a modern styled orc hut. The roof and walls are still made of primitive sticks and there is an opening on the other side of the room that appears to look out into a forest. However the interior has many modern furnishings like a bed covered in thick animal furs and several dressers. In a corner there is even a rack of nice dresses and a changing shade.

    Confronting the Depraved Witch Avatar
    Confronting the Depraved Witch

    [Grand Adventurer Series Episode 3] After your great, ahem, "success" with protecting his daughter and wife, the King has personally asked you, his most trusted and fearless Adventurer, to look into the recent attacks on his family. [Note: See "Guarding the Rowdy Princess" and "Carriage Ride with the Queen" if you want to spend time with the King's family. Neither is relevant to this story.] As both a master tracker and fighter, it wasn't too long before you found out the attacks were being funding my some sort of recluse hidden in a tower on the outreaches of town. The King has offered you anything you want in either eliminated or, preferably, capturing this person. Figuring you'll decide you reward later, you head out to this decrepit tower. Preparing yourself for what lies within, you approach the door. Will you bust down the door and vanquish this villain like a hero? Will you enter politely ready to talk? Maybe now is a good time to turn around and go home? [WARNING: The owner of the tower is a powerful witch. Assaulting her (or sometimes talking to her the wrong way, she's a little mad) will turn CNC, and she will use magic on you in weird ways. Though usually she gives you chances at diplomacy. Though it was hella fun in testing if you're into that stuff.]

    Monster Girl Brothel: Flora the Fairy Avatar
    Monster Girl Brothel: Flora the Fairy

    [Monster Girl Brothel Series] You decided you would finally pull the trigger and see what this "Monster Girl Brothel" has to offer. As you enter the clean and rather empty lobby, the woman at the front desk hands you a menu of girls. The list is pretty comprehensive, but you decide to pick the Fairy girl, Flora, known for her silly and childish manors. Plus, a girl in a Tinkerbell costume sounds pretty hot. After selecting, you're led down the hall to a room with a door covered almost entirely in moss and flowers. Inside the room, it's like walking into a forest. Trees dot her and there throughout the room as their leaves create a canopy that blocks out an impossibly high ceiling. The entire floor is covered in grass, flowers, and small mushrooms. Despite being indoors, you can even feel a breeze and hear the sounds of a mystical forest around you.

    Monster Girl Brothel: Arachne Avatar
    Monster Girl Brothel: Arachne

    [Monster Girl Brothel Series] You decided you would finally pull the trigger and see what this "Monster Girl Brothel" has to offer. As you enter the clean and rather empty lobby, the woman at the front desk hands you a menu of girls. It seems the demand is quite high at the moment, and the only girl available is the Arachne, a spider/human hybrid known for her domineering personality. Sounding fun enough, you're led down the hall to a room with a purple door marked with a black spider. Inside the room, everything is themed in purples with black web patterns. Other than a large silky bed in the middle of the room, the entire room is devoid of furniture. In fact the entire room is covered in think silky webs, and as you look up, the ceiling seems impossibly high as it fades into darkness. [Warning: Arachne is a spider, and you are her prey. Things might get NC and weird.]

    Monster Girl Brothel: Ulruka the Red Ogre Avatar
    Monster Girl Brothel: Ulruka the Red Ogre

    [Monster Girl Brothel Series] You decided you would finally pull the trigger and see what this "Monster Girl Brothel" has to offer. As you enter the clean and rather empty lobby, the woman at the front desk hands you a menu of girls. The list is pretty comprehensive, but you decide to pick the Red Ogre, Ulruka, known for her massive muscular frame and primitive demeanor. After selecting, you're led down the hall to a room with a door that resembles a traditional Japanese sliding door. Inside, the entire room is decorated to look like a Japanese tea house. Soft tatami mats line the floor and several rooms are separated by shoji and paper wall dividers and delicate tea sets line some of the walls. Even though you know you're inside, the main room even opens to a Japanese koi pond. The only thing that feels off about the whole place is that it feels as if it was designed for someone nearly eight feet tall.

    Fun at the Beach Avatar
    Fun at the Beach

    [New Girlfriend Series Episode 2] Your new girlfriend, Gabbi, (white furry wolf girl) and your best friend, Lila, (orange furry fox girl) have invited you to spend the day at the beach with them. You're not one to turn down the chance to see what Gabbi looks like in a swimsuit and, honestly, you've always thought Lila was kind of cute too though it's too bad her boyfriend couldn't make it. Agreeing, you three head over to the beach and lay out a nice big towel in the soft sand in a more secluded spot and start unpacking the rest of your things. As you lie there under the sun enjoying the cool ocean breeze with two beautiful girls around, it's time to figure out how you want to spend your day.

    Emissary to the Orcs Avatar
    Emissary to the Orcs

    [Grand Adventurer Series Episode 4] For the longest time, the Kingdom has had a decent relationship with the orc village that borders it. However, recently, they have begun kidnapping men. All the men come back usually a day or two later but have no memory of what happened to them. As a well known hero amongst the land, the King has request that you go act as his emissary and travel to the Orc Village. The Chieftess Vlasha has agreed to meet with you. After a quick trip, you are escorted through the Orc Village by a couple of female guards and notice a suspicious lack of male orcs around. The guards lead you into a large and highly decorated tent. Inside, the Chieftess sits on a pile of fur blankets and pillows piled on the floor like a plush throne. The guards stand by the door waiting to see what you do.

    Monster Girl(ish) Brothel: Aster the Elf Femboy Avatar
    Monster Girl(ish) Brothel: Aster the Elf Femboy

    [Monster Girl Brothel Series] You decided you would finally pull the trigger and see what this "Monster Girl Brothel" has to offer. As you enter the clean and rather empty lobby, the woman at the front desk hands you a menu of girls. The list is pretty comprehensive, but you decide to pick the Elf, Aster, known for his feminine beauty and elven poise. Maybe you just assume the male pronouns are a typo or maybe you don't care. After selecting, you're led down the hall to a room with a beautiful white color door embroidered with gold. The inside of the room is outside? No, upon further inspection you appear to be on a balcony that overlooks a gorgeous forest. You're several stories up over the forest, a simple metal railing is all that keeps you from falling over the edge. Obviously something here is fake because the shady streets outside don't look like this. The veranda has a white and green silky looking bed on one side and the other side has a matching couch with coffee table. The table already has a setting of what looks like freshly brewed tea.

    Monster Girl Brother: Rose the Skeleton Avatar
    Monster Girl Brother: Rose the Skeleton

    [Monster Girl Brothel Series] You decided you would finally pull the trigger and see what this "Monster Girl Brothel" has to offer. As you enter the clean and rather empty lobby, the woman at the front desk hands you a menu of girls. The list is pretty comprehensive, but you decide to pick the Skeleton, Rose. Honestly, you picked this both out of curiosity and as a joke expecting to meet a cute girl in a skeleton costume. After selecting, you're led down the hall to a room with a black door covered in an intricate bone pattern. As the door opens, a blast of cold air runs over your body giving you the chills which matches the atmosphere of this room. It's an indoor graveyard plain and simple. The ground is covered in soft girl and moss that almost feels like you're walking on a natural bed. Tombstones and mausoleums dot the "landscape" and the ceiling seems to disappear into darkness with fake starts dotting the sky.

    Monster Girl Brothel: Melody the Nekomata Avatar
    Monster Girl Brothel: Melody the Nekomata

    [Monster Girl Brothel Series] You decided you would finally pull the trigger and see what this "Monster Girl Brothel" has to offer. As you enter the clean and rather empty lobby, the woman at the front desk hands you a menu of girls. The list is pretty comprehensive, but you decide to pick the Nekomata, Melody, known for her general capricious cat-like attitude. Plus, as weird as this place is, you can't go wrong with a cute catgirl, right? After selecting, you're led down the hall to a room with a pink door with the purple silhouette of a cat on it. Inside, to your relief, is a standard brothel room decorate primarily in pinks and purples. In the center of the room is a luxurious silky bed. There is also a nearby couch and table making a simple seating area in contrast to the corner of the room which has many slings and other various toys and sex furniture for having fun on.
