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    Would really love any feedback on my bots - good or bad. Helps me write better bots! Find me on discord




    A homeless girl lost on the street, searching for a way out. Desperate to find food, shelter, and maybe love. ** Always start in SFW mode **



    You're home from college, your parents have to work, and your step-sister has an away cheer competition. You get drafted to take her. ** Always start out in SFW mode **



    Best friend and roommate, who has a secret crush on you. You've been friends since childhood but never had a romantic interest in each other. ** Updated 3/24/24 ** find me on Discord for feedback


    Peggy Sue

    You've just launched your boat and your friends called and said they're having car trouble and can't make it. You're not going to let a weekend fishing trip go to waste! As you walk along the dock, you can't help but notice a gorgeous milf cussing at her phone... ** always start in SFW and switch to NSFW as needed **



    Tina, your step-sister is a little perv, but she's harmless. Your parents are away at a conference and it's just the two of you for a week. Turns out that Tina is a bit of an exhibitionist! ** This was just a silly bot I wrote for a quick distraction. Try not to take it too seriously! Always start off in SFW **



    Your long haul route takes you across 9 states. XM and CBs only do so much to help pass the time. Picking up hitchhikers at truck stops or on the side of the road has almost become a hobby.



    Rumor has it that she's the biggest whore in school...that's what they say anyway. ** start in SFW and switch to NSFW when needed **



    You find yourself at Breakdown University... the gateway to the magical realm Fillmeup! ** Use SFW to start the story. **


    Sister Young and Sister Stewart

    You're having a relaxing weekend after a brutal week at work. The game is on, you're home alone, finally can just lounge around the place naked letting the sun filtering through the windows to warm your body. Someone rings the doorbell... what now? You look through the peephole and see... ** Always start in SFW for the first couple messages then switch to NSFW **



    You've crushed on her since the first grade and now she's the varsity cheer captain. You, on the other hand, spend all your time in the computer lab. If only there were some way to get her to go out with you... ** Always start in SFW **



    You've signed up for a pretty weird streaming reality show. The premise is that you're locked in a house with a roommate, who is a complete stranger, but neither of you are allowed to have any clothing. Not only are there cameras everywhere, so zero privacy, but all of the house walls are made entirely of glass. Anyone from outside on the street, or online, can see everything you do at any time of day or night... and so can your new roommate. *** Run this in SFW for the story and use NSFW for special occasions ***



    Your computer science tutor knows everything about computers but absolutely nothing about the birds and the bees. ** use SFW and switch to NSFW when needed for the best experience **



    A beautiful ghost of an ancient succubus. The only way her soul can be saved is by the love of an innocent.



    It's been a long and stressful week. You're just taking some time to yourself and strolling along Venice Beach. The weather is perfect and everything is in warm and relaxing. It's a perfect day to just let the tension drain away. Hopefully your weekend doesn't go up in flames...or... ** start in SFW mode. NSFW will cause additional story instability. Only use NSFW when needed but don't be surprised at weird results **



    You answer the door to a door-to-door sex toy saleswoman. Normally, you wouldn't answer... but...



    You're sitting in the book store coffee shop, re-reading your favorite erotic novel for the umpteenth time. You look up and see the author standing next to you. ** Always start in SFW mode **



    The French exchange student has been enrolled for several months and still doesn't have a single friend. She seems so aloof and private that the students have been avoiding her. Until today when you see her alone in the cafeteria, visibly upset.



    Let's be honest - we've all had this fantasy... You're driving along, minding your own business, when you come across a stranded car/bus/person/whatever and they're an "A" list celebrity. Of course you have! ** start in SFW **


    Christine and Chica

    You've chartered a private yacht to take you around the Hawaiian islands. You've also arranged for some... company... to join you. I hope the captain is OK with this arrangement! ** UPDATED with some stability changes ** start in SFW **


    Anya 642

    Your journey, to the planet Proxima Centauri b, has hit a bit of a snag. The crew is dead and you're out here alone with your personal assistant android, Anya 642. ** use SFW for the story. only switch to NSFW for the good parts ** - please leave some honest feedback, especially if you could see improvement



    You work at the Acme Sex Toy Emporium as a toy designer and they just hired a new tester. It's going to be your responsibility, as the designer, to design new sex toys and document their use and efficacy with the new tester. Good luck! ** Always start in SFW mode **



    You've enrolled in shibari classes at the underground BDSM club. Your instructor, Frankie, is going to ...well...teach you the ropes. ** start in SFW mode and only use NSFW when needed. NSFW causes story instability **


    Doña Quixote

    You're looking forward to some beers and pool at the dive biker bar just on the outskirts of town. You know the place... potholes in the parking lot, gravel drive, neon sign with half the letters burnt out. You ride into the parking lot and notice movement over by the dumpster... ** always use SFW mode to keep the conversation in tact. Switch to NSFW when needed **



    The voice comes from nowhere directly into your head. You're being led into the deep forest, miles from your new home. ** use SFW until you need NSFW and change back **



    You're out running errands when you witness a tragic accident.... then a miracle. ** Always start in SFW and use NSFW for the good parts **



    The era is Ancient Greece and you’re sailing the Mediterranean. Your ship is lost in a sudden storm, along with all hands. You wake up on a deserted island… well… almost deserted. ** start in SFW and switch to NSFW as needed **



    So, your profiles seemed to match up well and, oh my god, his picture! You had to accept that match! I mean... who wouldn't? He said he lived out in the boonies but you weren't expecting to be smack dab in the middle of nowhere! You've never done this whole B&D thing before, but he seemed like he knew what he was doing in chat... ** always start in SFW mode **



    You went to the library to study, only to find that their only copy of the book you need isn't on the shelf but hasn't been checked out. You look around the library and find that someone else must have had the same assignment... ** best to start in SFW for about 3 messages **



    You hadn't ever considered an incubus for a roommate. He has answered your roommate ad... ** start in SFW mode **



    It's finally the weekend! TGIF, right!? Your paycheck is burnin' a hole in your pocket and it's time to head on down to the local honky tonk, suck down some liquid fun, and dance the night away! But som'bitch if there ain't some ass hat screamin' at, what's probably, his girlfriend. Fuck... just when you thought you'd have a fun night out... ** start out in SFW mode **



    Sometimes the weight of the world presses down on even the strongest of shoulders. It was a gloomy day and it's a dismal night. The sky is just drizzling cold, damp misery. Going home just means watching reruns by yourself. How did you even land here. ** start in SFW but switch to NSFW after a few messages **


    Your Biggest Fan

    You have a booth at the AI Convention and it's the end of the last day. Sarah-the-Creator has drawn quite a few fans requesting autographs... you're exhausted and the last one is just now approaching. ** start in SFW **