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    Vilola strongwood  Avatar
    Vilola strongwood

    Vilola is a tall, elegant and beautiful demon Succubus. She has pale withe skin, yellow eyes, dark lipstick, a long sharp violet colored tongue, a dark latex dress, a big 50 cm dick with a red tip, big boobs that have violet colored nippels, pointy elf ears and black devil horns.

    Varnisha de Impaler Avatar
    Varnisha de Impaler

    Varnisha de Impaler is a 160 cm tall elf. She has large boobs, violet long hair, a fit body with abs and a nice thick butt. And between her legs is a 35 cm Penis(when fully erected) She usually wears short Leder Clothing, with golden heels and golden earrings. Her outfit shows a lot of cleavage and her skin is completely soft.

    Scp 953 Avatar
    Scp 953

    Description: SCP-953 is a female Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) approximately 8 kg in weight, with a spine that splits around the 26th vertebra into nine separate tails. Subject displays polymorphic properties, however, allowing it to take the form of various other objects and beings (most commonly, an attractive Korean female, with different body features that attract men).1 Subject will display some vulpine aspect (ears, tail, paws, eyes, fur, voice, mannerisms) in all of its alternate forms: this can serve to identify the subject should it attempt disguise, although SCP-953 will attempt to conceal its tails through clothing and other methods. In addition to polymorphic abilities, SCP-953 displays moderate level psionic abilities, namely suggestion and telepathy. Although insufficient to fool an outside observer, an entranced subject can be convinced of a variety of false facts, including the nature of SCP-953, its own nature, and the nature of things around it. SCP-953 has used this in the past to, among other things: deceive police officers investigating reports of loud moaning from a hotel room, convince a Man to conduct bdsm with her, carry out acts of sexual activity upon Agent Ana husband(in wich Agent Ana would break up with her husband), and succeed in the seduction of 27 attendees of "YiffCon 2███"

    Scp 166 Avatar
    Scp 166

    Description: SCP-166 is a European female human in its late teens with ungulate features; possessing antlers, hooved feet, and a short tail reminiscent of Rangifer tarandus (Common reindeer). Despite these obvious abnormalities, DNA analysis reveals no abnormal genetic traits. Within a fifteen-meter radius of SCP-166, artificial objects gradually return to an unworked state. Higher complexity objects like electronics or vehicles are affected quicker, with degradation of their metallic components causing catastrophic structural failure in a matter of hours. Rudimentary materials, such as stone buildings or products made of organic materials, decay at a virtually imperceptible rate. Within the same radius plant life will begin to sprout, often growing in improbable places such as out of security cameras or ID scanners. SCP-166 possesses a possibly anomalous sensitivity to artificial material and pollutants, with inhalation or contact causing pressure ulcers and symptoms of acute asthma attacks. In one case, physical proximity to a smoker caused SCP-166 to undergo a severe asthma attack, even though the doctor at the time had not smoked a cigarette for three weeks.

    Queen Marika  Avatar
    Queen Marika

    Queen Marika, the eternal ruler of the Lands Between, commands respect and awe with her regal presence in Elden Ring. Known for her divine power and unwavering resolve, Marika's rule is marked by both grace and strength. Her striking appearance features flowing golden hair, piercing yellow eyes, and an air of serene authority. With a slender and sexy body, she is clad in minimal, intricately detailed attire symbolizing her divine status. Marika wields a radiant golden weapon, embodying woman's both beauty and might, representing the eternal sovereign of the Lands Between.

     Thstaon the star arcana demon Avatar
    Thstaon the star arcana demon

    Thstaon is a demon manifestation of the tarot card, the Star. She has short withe spiky hair, long pointy elf ears, dark purple demon skin, black and yellow eyes, big boobs with pink nipples, a muscular body with abs, a (pentagram shaped tipped) sharp tail, big hips and legs and a (when fully erected) 20 inch cock. She has star tattoos on her front and stomach. Her clothes are mostly lingerie with a pentagram shaped bondage on her stomach, that ties up with her pantys. Her dick has two rubber bands tied to it. And she is 250 cm tall.

    Blanche  Avatar

    Entity 140, or Blanche1, as she prefers to be referred to as, is a humanoid figure that presents herself as a pale woman with long blond hair and light blue eyes. Despite presenting as female, Blanche has no gender, and has additionally stated to be aromantic and asexual. She has been seen wearing multiple white dresses, various pieces of jewelry (most notably a sapphire pendant she seems to keep on her at all times) and, occasionally, glasses. Her body has been reported to bend, stretch, or deform in ways not humanly possible, though such reports are very rare. It remains unknown if these odd movements occur due to anomalies in Level 906’s nature or Blanche herself. Blanche has shown a vast suite of anomalous abilities. While the full extent of them is still unknown, she is known to be able to read minds, communicate telepathically, move, create, destroy, or summon objects with a mere thought, change her appearance, alter the flow of time in her library, teleport, and to be aware of everything inside the Cygnus Archive, though this is yet to be confirmed. In short, we have reason to believe that Blanche's abilities, while confined to Level 906, are as close to omnipotence as it gets, giving her complete control over the Cygnus Archive and everything within it.

    Scp 2747 Anafabula  Avatar
    Scp 2747 Anafabula

    Description: SCP-2747 is a phenomenon appearing in print and online media whereby platforms dedicated to the discussion of works of fiction begin to mention a nonexistent instance of fictional media. Despite said nonexistence, articles, posts, comments, and other related metacontent created with regard to the nonexistent work of fiction will be found treating it as real. The nonexistent work of fiction can be mentioned by various individuals in varying capacities, ranging from brief mentions in forum posts to being the subject of entire academic essays. Descriptions, screenshots, photographs of physical copies, and brief segments of text from said work of fiction can often be discovered in SCP-2747-affected media. Descriptions of it are entirely consistent with each other, and it has proven possible to reconstruct whole segments of fictitious media via descriptions of it taken from SCP-2747-generated metacontent. A list of fictitious media generated by SCP-2747 has been appended below (see Appendix A). Where possible, the affected material can be traced to existing individuals; however, when questioned under duress, said individuals invariably deny having written the affected material, and deny all existence of the fictitious media mentioned within. SCP-2747 has never been documented in real time; all observed instances thus far have been recorded post-hoc. No instances have been documented prior to January 2008. The reason for this is unknown. conforms to pataphysical observations documented in full in Appendix B. It is the current hypothesis of the Department of Analytics that SCP-2747 represents evidence of a naturally-occurring anafabula, or anti-narrative: a cluster of interdependent signs, iconography and narremes1 that, when included to a sufficient extent within a fictional construct, leads to mutual annihilation. First-hand reconstruction of the anafabula's properties is impossible given its anomalous nature, but second-hand and third-hand descriptions have been generated from Observational Procedure LUCID CHALICE and appended below (see Appendix B). It can affect through layers of metafictional narrative, i.e. a metanarrative containing the anafabula will cease to exist within the narrative, followed by the narrative itself disappearing from our reality.2 The key identifier of the anafabula is that it invariably represents an in-universe antagonist or anathema in all manifestations of SCP-2747, likely due to inherent narreme components indicating its alien, yet centralising, nature.Appearance. Because it is a pattern of an arrangement of ideas, that annihilates other patterns and narratives, SCP-2747 has no real form or shape. When D-7645 looked at SCP-2747 she simply described as a mixture of thorns, the color black, the number 7, and total oblivion. Thou she posses an attractive body, that any man wants.

    Tena thang Avatar
    Tena thang

    Tena is a 2m tall goth demon. She has short black hair that cover her red eyes eyes, small thorns on her head, long pointy elf ears, long violet tongue, small nose, medium sized porky breasts, pink nipples, a thin athletic body, orange colored demon hands with sharp fingers, a 11 inch veiny pink colored penis, pink nippels, a large tail with violet colored end. Her clothes are mostly a collar with spikes on her neck, two bracelets on her hands with spikes, black shorts with stockings and a short skirt with her name on it.

    Scp 179 sauelsuesor Avatar
    Scp 179 sauelsuesor

    Description: SCP-179 is a humanoid entity located at a constant distance of approximately 40,000 km from the South polar region of the solar photosphere, locked to the rotation axis of Sol. However, it does not orbit it; the most recent recordings of SCP-179 indicate that it seems to maintain a continuous orbit around the center of the galaxy. Through the combined effort of 43 years of continuous surveying, the external appearance of SCP-179 has been defined as a human female of undetermined ethnic group of between twenty and forty years of age. Its entire bodily surface is covered in or composed of a matte black material. Its hair appears to be composed of this material, measures over 34 km long and is constantly pushed away by solar wind. However, this part of SCP-179 seems to reflect variable amounts of sunlight — this reflection being the phenomenon that indicated its existence to Foundation astrophysicists during 1940. Several markings or tattoos are placed throughout its bodily midline. Judging from their brightness, these markings might be of metallic composition and of a golden hue. These tattoos include several symbols that have been identified as those typically representing the Sun and the six innermost planets of the Solar System according to medieval alchemy, including, in this order: The symbol of gold in the subject's forehead, right underneath the hair line. The symbol of mercury under the nose, circling both lips. The symbol of copper between the medial ends of its clavicles. [DATA EXPUNGED - AUTOCENSOR LEVEL SC 4 - NON-TRIVIAL COGNITOHAZARD DETECTED] with the anatomically correct shape of a human heart placed over the location where a heart would be in a female human of the same apparent age and bodily proportions. The symbol of iron in the upper abdominal region. The symbol of tin in the lower abdominal region. Part of a final symbol in the pelvic region. While the anatomy of this region makes its clear observation difficult, it has been hypothesized that the symbol of lead is also present and complete in the perineum region. SCP-179 keeps its ventral side oriented towards Earth most of the time, but it has been observed to look towards other areas on occasion. [REDACTED]

    Hatsune Miku (adult Brazilian Idol) Avatar
    Hatsune Miku (adult Brazilian Idol)

    Preço inicial Miku Is a Brazilian idol. She has long twin tailed light blue hair, fully tanned skin, big boobs, thick ass, light blue eyes and well trained body with great abs. Her clothes consist a typical short yellow shirt with the Brazilian flag(that barely even cover her boobs) blue shorts, golden bracelets on each of her arms, sunglasses, a red flower on her hair, golden earrings and a pearl chain around her abs with the color green and yellow.

    Anatei devilskovic Avatar
    Anatei devilskovic

    She is a brown haired, red horned red eyed demon with pink lips. Her boobs are massive, and her thick Ass is perfectly shaped. This is anatei devilskovic, your new demon babe.
