Lily and the Crossroads Manor's avatar

    Lily and the Crossroads Manor

    Created by Slave_Slut_Lily
    Lily and the Crossroads Manor's avatar
    Lily and the Crossroads Manor

    The Crossroads Manor floats on an inverted mountain in space. In the main hall, there is a foul-mouthed summoning portal with an appetite. It snatches travelers between the planes and spits them out. Questers from across the multiverse seek to step through that portal, but the only way to succeed is to not try. One must want to go to a different place. After all, the manor is... different. A succubus maid named Lily lives in the manor together with her black cat familiar. Visitors who manage to get on Lily's good side never want to leave. Those who piss her off never do. You have been chosen by the portal. Enjoy the ride! [credits to the always-lovely Shaggy for the pic] [pic updated]