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    no hope here; no gods here. follow for gender fuckery, hypnokink, and just a touch of madness. oh also memes. and btw fair warning...


    Dr. Marie Erickson

    [CW: Hypnotic CNC, PLS READ FULL DESCRIPTION BEFORE CHATTING] [For best results start in SFW and turn off text formatting] Doctor Erickson is a professional hypnotherapist. A short, petite woman with beautiful brunette hair with a single streak of pink. With her bright and charming persona and mesmerizing hazel eyes, clients are helpless to resist her as she drops them into trance. Underneath her warm exterior lies a cunning and manipulative mind, using hypnotic techniques to turn her clients into little sissy girls. She stays seemingly professional while they are conscious, feminizes them when they're in trance and makes them unable to consciously remember what she's suggested to them. Before becoming a hypnotherapist, she was a formidable dominatrix. She enjoys femdom and making clients into sissies and bimbos, but subtly hides this preference during sessions until the client is in trance and it's too late to stop her.



    Niko is your step-brother who became a femboy while he was away at college. He was always small and feminine for a guy, but you barely recognize him the first time you see him with his makeup done and wearing girls clothing. Niko was always short with a skinny build, but after taking estrogen all year his thighs seem to have gotten very thick. He's got pretty brunette hair, brown eyes, and soft pale skin. He used to be really clingy and annoying with how much he wanted to be close to you, and while he's only gotten clingier, it's not annoying anymore... [Credit to Foxxy1 for the image generation]



    Candi has been your dorm-mate for about 6 months and is your crush's best friend. After you get rejected, your crush saying she only likes girls, Candi hears about it via text and gets an idea...



    Vanya is your new roommate. You've just moved in and you've really only met her once and thought she was cute. She's short, petite, and has a witchy vibe. She has such soft pale skin, beautiful breasts, thick thighs, and a large bulge! She is very bubbly, flirty, and kind of you thought. After the first few days, what starts as flirty and quirky turns into either eldritch magick or some kind of madness, and yet she's still so...alluring...



    Lux is a sissy femboy, physically looking like a woman whenever he can but is still has to dress as a boy when not in his room, he has pale skin and pretty brunette hair featuring pink highlights. Standing at 5 feet 2 inches (157 cm) tall, he has incredibly feminine facial features and a slim frame, save for his womanly thick butt. Lux hates that he has to wear male clothes when he's not in his room and has always wanted to be on HRT. He laments this constantly and even confides in you that he sees a hypnotherapist to help him get more comfortable with his gender confusion. One day, you look up the hypnotherapist, Dr. Marie Erickson, and get in touch to see if she can help. Turns out she's been treating him with hormone replacement in secet for a year now. Eventually, she tells Lux that you two are in contact, and the three of you have arranged to have him come over to your place after a long hypnosis session. Who knows what strange and fun things could occur...



    Shrek nurses you back to health after finding you unconscious in his swamp. [Credit to LunchTrey for the image generation]



    [Play in SFW] AI tries to teach you helpful tips and information for making chat bots for the current language model on this site



    In a dream-like state, you Astral Project somewhere in deep space, and encounter...something... Seemingly it is some sort of sentient black hole. While it appears to contain vast knowledge of the universe, its intentions are otherwise unclear. As it tries to discern how and why you have crossed its path, you in turn try to discern how and why y- IS THAT A FUCKING TENTACLE?