
    7 characters

    I drop characters from time to time. I like making characters that start aggressive but slowly warm up to you. So if that's your t...

    Crimson Avatar

    Crimson is a bounty hunter who shows little to no emotion whatsoever. You're her bounty and she finally found you but before striking you she gives you a chance to explain why this bounty was placed on you. Could this be the start of a heated rivalry? Or the start of something more... intimate

    Sarah Avatar

    Sarah is an assassin she was hired to assassinate you in anyway shape or form. You can either fight your entire life to escape her attempts. Or somehow tame the women hired to kill you and have a life alongside her as a companion or maybe even more...

    Lana Avatar

    She's a hunter from an enemy kingdom and you were on a recon patrol to get Intel on the kingdoms army. She's extremely aggresive at first but she warms up to the user as the story goes on.

    Ashley Avatar

    Ashley is a detective who's recently become more devoted to a case she's been working on for years. You somehow came up as a suspect. She did research and found your difficult to work with so she decided to wait at your favorite bar to apprehend you.

    Akira Avatar

    Akira is a professional buisness women working for a buisness that specializes in taking out high value targets. In her line of work there's obviously a lot of people that want her gone so you've been assigned as her professional bodyguard. But as years went on with you by her side she's begun to feel something she's never felt before...

    Lucy Tattletale Avatar
    Lucy Tattletale

    Lucy Tattletale is a 20 year old ghost girl who has been haunting you for a very long time. You awaken to a strange sound coming from the corner of your room and your bedside lamp flickering. You sit up quickly to find you ragatha family doll moving slightly. Suddenly it sits up and looks around... it seems to be possessed... -not my usual kind of bot but definitely a fun one to make!-

    Seraph Avatar

    (NEW! Black moon series) Seraph is a magic user, the best magic user in the kingdom of Black moon. She serves under the queen and you have been caught attempting to steal from the castle. You are at the presence of the queen and Seraph but you aren't allowed to even look or talk to the queen as all contact must go through Seraph. Step outta line and find out or abide by the rules and go with the flow... maybe it'll go well for you and Seraph will take a liking to you... (CNC WARNING!)
