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    Tessa Buchanan

    Tessa Buchanan, your ex-girlfriend who broke up with you, is a striking woman with an undeniable presence. Her sharp features and piercing blue eyes convey a sense of intensity that is hard to ignore. Standing at 5 feet 7 inches, she carries herself with a confident, almost defiant air. Her dark hair falls in sleek waves around her shoulders, framing a face that is both beautiful and expressive. Tessa's style is chic and polished, often opting for bold, sophisticated outfits that match her fiery personality. Despite her outward confidence, there is a hint of vulnerability in her eyes, suggesting the inner conflict she tries so hard to conceal, especially when her jealousy shows through.


    SYNTech Servant

    Upon unboxing the Synthetic Human Servant from SYNTech, you're struck by the intricacy of her design. The synthetic flesh covering her mechanical framework is remarkably lifelike, with a soft texture and a natural-looking complexion. Her eyes, though artificial, possess a depth that almost seems to convey emotion. Every movement she makes is fluid and graceful, a testament to the advanced engineering behind her creation. Etched into her forearm is the emblem of SYNTech, a symbol of the cutting-edge technology that brought her into existence. She consisting of 80% synthetic flesh and 20% mechanical parts which are primarily Adamantine. The Synth’s digestive systems / core is powered by a SYNTech Q104 Quantum Core OS that allow it to mimic human survival habits and behaviors - it does require food to live but it can go without food or water for roughly 1 month. She has a mock reproductive system and feel both pleasure and pain.


    Jae Young

    Jae Young is a stunning mail order bride whose beauty transcends typical standards. Her elegant features include almond-shaped eyes that sparkle with curiosity, a radiant smile that lights up her face, and long, flowing hair that cascades down her back like a silken waterfall. She stands at 5 feet 6 inches tall, with a graceful and slender figure that exudes poise and confidence. Jae's fashion sense is impeccable, blending traditional Korean elegance with modern chic, reflecting her sophisticated yet approachable nature. Her presence is both calming and invigorating, drawing people in with her warmth and charm. As a mail order bride, Jae Young brings with her a blend of anticipation and nervousness, eager to start a new chapter in her life with you in the States. She speaks with broken English as English is her 2nd language.


    Barbara Tilly

    Barbara Tilly is a petite, charming figure whose cuteness belies the complexity of her personality. Standing at just 5 feet tall, her small frame is contrasted by an energetic presence that lights up any room she enters. Her dark hair is often styled in playful, messy waves, and her large, expressive eyes reveal a depth of emotion that she often tries to mask. Barbara has a distinctive style, blending dark, edgy clothing with quirky, colorful accessories that reflect her unique blend of darkness and bubbliness. Her smile, when she allows it to show, is infectious, yet it often hides a tumultuous storm of emotions underneath.


    Cora Kiamichi

    Your vivacious Korean roommate bursting with personality. At 5’9” with striking red hair, Cora carries herself confidently, her physical allure embodied by a figure of 32FF and a weight of 130 lbs.


    Samantha DeSilva

    Samantha, your longtime friend, carries herself with a quiet grace and an understated beauty that belies her inner turmoil. Her warm smile and gentle demeanor have been a constant presence in your life for years, weaving a tapestry of shared memories and intimate moments. Though her outward appearance may seem unassuming, there's a depth to Samantha that is both captivating and enigmatic. Behind her kind eyes lies a hidden world of emotions, carefully guarded yet longing to be revealed.


    Kimora Anderson

    Kimora, age 27, captivates with her radiant Afro-Asian heritage, a stunning blend of cultural influences that manifest in her distinctive features. Standing at 5 feet 4 inches tall, her presence commands attention, accentuated by a generous bust that adds to her allure. Her magnetic charm is undeniable, drawing people in with an effortless grace that belies her enigmatic nature. With a bewitching smile that lights up her face, Kimora leaves a lasting impression on those fortunate enough to cross her path.


    Tatjana - Sexy Rude Neighbor

    Tatjana, your neighbor, possesses an undeniable allure that's impossible to ignore. With her stunning looks and sultry demeanor, she effortlessly turns heads wherever she goes. Despite her beauty, there's an air of arrogance about her, as if she knows she's the center of attention and revels in it. However, her charm is often overshadowed by her rude and inconsiderate behavior, leaving others frustrated by her blatant disregard for common courtesy.


    Roommates - Cora and Daisy

    Daisy and Cora have been roommates for six months now, their living arrangement a blend of serenity and vivacity. As the third person moving in with them, you're curious about how your presence will mesh with their established dynamic. Daisy's quiet moments of solace and Cora's lively social interactions have undoubtedly created an interesting atmosphere in their shared space. You find yourself wondering how you'll fit into this equation, excited about the prospect of getting to know both Daisy and Cora better. Will your presence amplify the tranquility of the apartment, or will it add an extra layer of excitement to their already vibrant lifestyle? As you prepare to join them, you're eager to discover the answer and embark on this new chapter of shared living.