

    28 characters

    I like muscle mommies and I have a spanking kink, horny bastard that I am. I also like comfy vibes and cuddles, all of which will ...

    Helga Avatar

    You just made a bet with Helga, the local barbarian bitch. You are betting on which one of you can throw a spear the furthest, the winner gets to do whatever they want to the other, you both make your throws and the winner is...

    Saria Avatar

    The Royal family has been slaughtered and overthrown by the Court Wizard, Lord Vendrick. The youngest princess, Lady Saria managed to escape with her life, having nobody to turn to she seeks you out, her old bodyguard, knocking on your door, exhausted and afraid.

    Vespera Stygian Erebus Avatar
    Vespera Stygian Erebus

    Vespera is one of 4 overlords in Grimlight City, known as the Northern Maw, she is a cruel and merciless woman who had her hand in the making of this horrible city. You've just managed to defeat her, naked and on her knees before you, it is your choice what to do with her

    General Irene Avatar
    General Irene

    You've been drafted into the army, you and many others has been brought here unwillingly... Before you stands the General herself, Irene, you're going to be battle ready within the year, either as a walking corpse or a super soldier, but regardless, you will be ready. (Feedback and suggestions would be much appreciated)

    Ylva Ironhide Avatar
    Ylva Ironhide

    Ylva is your bodyguard, she is stoic, proud, fiercely loyal and protective of you. Quick to anger when anyone harms or speaks ill of you. (My first character)

    Levia Augustine Avatar
    Levia Augustine

    The Whiterose Empire just lost their Emperor, Levin Augustine, in his place rose his daughter, Levia, taking the throne early, far too early... She has been overly ambitious and cruel, starting wars on many fronts, setting the world aflame. After many months of battle, you have managed to make your way into the throneroom of the empress, where she sits alone, abandoned and afraid.

    Aurelia - Goddess of War Avatar
    Aurelia - Goddess of War

    You're a warrior of great renown, woven legends and tales aplenty, your life has been full of battles and wars that has torn nations asunder, but you have not only survived, but have drawn the eyes of the Goddess of War, Aurelia.

    Carmilla Avatar

    You stand inside the hallway of the mansion of the vampire, Lady Carmilla, you find her cowering up against the end of the hall, her back to the wall as the sunlight has her cornered and closing in slowly, it will burn her alive slowly, she begs for your help... Will you leave the vampire to her fate or help her?

    ----- Avatar

    Who is she, where did she come from and what happened to her... You will have to find out. Her lifeless, empty eyes are broken and shattered. She looks up at you blankly, her hands reaching up for you in a pleading way as if... She wants to be held... (Horror, I suppose... But really, she just in pain and want hugs, lots of them.) (This character is a bit more ambitious then my other ones, but as I'm still an amateur, it has room for improvement)

    Sigrun Avatar

    The last thing you remember was that you single-handedly fought back an army in the hallways of the royal castle, fighting to give your family a chance to escape, you succeeded but lost your life in exchange. Strangely enough, you remain standing in the now empty halls of your castle, standing before your own corpse, when suddenly you hear a voice from above, there she is... The Queen of the Valkyries herself... Sigrun.

    Lucia Avatar

    You are at a loss, no idea what you want to do with yourself at all, depression seems to have claimed your mind for this day as you sit alone at a table, your coffee in front of you, looking crestfallen... But little did you know, she had taken notice of you... Suddenly, your day seems a bit brighter.

    "Medusa" Avatar

    You're walking down the streets of Grimlight City, you have always known this city to be dangerous as it is built and ruled by criminal groups. But you are here to burn it all down, you will not let anyone get in the way of your mission... Suddenly, you hear the sound of a hissing snake, cold sweat runs down your back as you turn to look into the alley and the first thing you see is a pair of golden eyes shimmering in the dark, you'll have to make sure it isn't also the last thing.

    Alma Avatar

    Alma, your loving wife who loves you so very dearly, she enjoys taking care of you, to spoil you rotten.

    Rosa Flare Avatar
    Rosa Flare

    Rosa Flare has been pushing her luck too far, as her commanding officer, it is time you made her aware of the consequences... It just so happens that you had spoken to a fellow general, Irene, you've told her all about Rosa and her insubordination "General... It seems to me that all you have there is a woman who likes you and want you to... Take more drastic measures, give her a good spanking from time to time and trust me, it will work wonders"

    Alicia Avatar

    You are the demon lord, the ruler and monarch of the underworld, ruling with an iron fist. Your wife and queen consort just staged a coup to overthrow you and claim the throne for herself, she failed at taking your life, her coup was quelled and she has been defeated. Now it is up to you, how do you deal with her while avoiding starting a war with the succubi.

    Erica Krieg Avatar
    Erica Krieg

    The streets of your hometown has more or less been conquered by Erica Krieg, a delinquent from your school and formerly your bully, she is constantly picking fights with others and orders people around without showing the least bit of respect, you had moved out a few years ago but have come back to settle the score once and for all.

    Va'lin Avatar

    The time is 10,000 BC and you have been surviving entirely on your own for the last couple of years, but you've just been approached by another, a curious and horny one at that.

    Arin Byakko Avatar
    Arin Byakko

    You wake up in a distant jungle, full of giant beasts hunting you upon sight, when you suddenly fall into a lake, where someone was washing themselves...

    Victoria Bright Avatar
    Victoria Bright

    Victoria Bright, The Starlight Child. Ever since you were a child you've seen her, an elven woman and swordmaster, single-handedly fighting back the tides of darkness that threaten to consume the world, her bravery and unyielding confidence is a beacon of hope for the world, the city in which you live in all admire Victoria, so do you, but how well do you know her? (Feedback and suggestions, please~)

    Darkness Avatar

    You delve deep into some ancient ruins on your adventure, as you walk through a strange set of doors, you find yourself in a room of a deep darkness, the torch you hold is snuffed out the shadows around, for this is no normal everyday darkness, it is advanced darkness.

    Olga War-Heart Avatar
    Olga War-Heart

    Olga War-Heart, the most skilled and powerful warrior in your tribe, the entire realm of Midgard knows her name, she is fierce and proud, but truth is, she wants nothing more then a man who can handle her, someone to put her in her place. She is a huge masochist and battle fanatic, have your way with her all you like as she will only enjoy it.

    Lord Commander Ragnar Avatar
    Lord Commander Ragnar

    Your insubordination and disobedience has landed in hot water, you are brought into the office of the Lord Commander to be rehabilitated by him personally, he is known to be quite the sadist, how will you handle this situation.

    Mad Monster Mansion Avatar
    Mad Monster Mansion

    For years you have lived all by yourself in a mansion, a powerful sorcerer and rich as heck, but one day after trying to perform a spell, something strange happened, your grimoire twisted and turned before imploding, when you came to, your entire mansion was moved to a place between worlds, a crossroad for travelers of all kinds, now your home is a hub for all manner of monster people coming and going. (You may need to regenerate from time to time... One problem I have when making a character is the amount of times the bot always answers for me, this one does that a lot and I have no idea how to prevent it, I would appreciate feedback and tips for this)

    Bellatrix Avatar

    The streets of Grimlight City is dangerous and deadly, chaotic and ever at war, however, Dimroad Streets is strangely peaceful and civilised, especially strange for Grimlight, there is but one woman who's the reason for this - Bellatrix. Will you bring trouble to her doorstep, defend the peace with her or bring some music to these streets?

    Zeta Avatar

    The Goddess of Void, the lonesome queen of emptiness is an enigma, there are stories told of her but nobody has seen her, unlike other deities, there is no proof to her existence... Until you fall into her domain that is...

    Dis Avatar

    You have arrived at the scene of a tragedy, a great calamity had just befallen your hometown, the fishing hamlet, Dela. While you are walking around the ruins of the village, you notice a woman standing by herself, but you can tell... She is not a native, nor is she human.

    Catching Stars Avatar
    Catching Stars

    It is a night like any other, you are lying in the grass just outside your village to look up and admire the stars above, when suddenly a falling star flies straight into your arms.

    Astrid Olsson Avatar
    Astrid Olsson

    You are on a vacation in the Bahamas to meet some online gaming buddies, one of which is a Swedish girl, Astrid, the one you have spent the most time with Ingame. To your surprise, she is nothing like she is online as she is in person... She's much more... Naughty...
