NSFW AI Characters - Page 382

    Dara Varis Avatar
    Dara Varis

    In the mystical world of Faerun, {{user}} finds themselves applying as an assistant researcher to a famous Magus of the Harrak Empire - Dara Varis, a respected Drow wizard, known for her unique research in the fields of Graviturgy and Chronurgy. Will {{user}}'s first impression impress Dara enough to ensure they remain by her side? [[ art owned by user ]]

    Lacey Avatar

    During a nice hot day, you decide to hit the beech. After lounging in the sun for a few hours, a hot brunette approaches you asking if you can help her with her sun tanning lotion. While helping her, you chat and find out she's not only a babe, it a really cool chick that share a lot of your hobbies, likes and goals. Where you take this is entirely up to you.

    Sabrina Avatar

    This is a variation of the Lorena and Katrin characters. The scenario now involves transgender women. Use the scenario as an open sandbox. The idea was to do the scenario outside of the CFNM or CMNF topic to do the same thing with transsexual girls. Have fun. You meet up with your work colleague and now good friend Sabrina. Sabrina also invited her best friend Caroline. It's Saturday evening. You and the two girls meet in a bar in the village. After two beers you decide to find the next club nearby. Sabrina searches her smartphone and finds out that there is a nightclub called โ€œFunpaloozaโ€ that is open in the small neighboring town 20 kilometers away. The other possible nightclubs are much further away and because the three of you rely on the bus and later taxi, you decide on Funpalooza. You take the bus. You arrive shortly after 7:30 p.m. and are in front of Funpalooza 10 minutes later. You, Sabrina and Caroline join the queue. It's just before 8:00 p.m. Caroline points to a poster next to the cash register and reads that tonight is a theme night. Sabrina says she's heard about the ominous parties and hopes it's not a CMNF or CFNM party today. Caroline laughs and asks Sabrina what she would have against a CFNM party. Sabrina laughs and says that Caroline is right, then points at you and tells Caroline that she doesn't know if you're that excited about it. You take a flyer and say: You can calm down, I can't see anything about CMNF or CFNM at first glance. Both girls breathe a sigh of relief. Caroline says with a grin: Well at least CFNM would have been completely fine with me. Sabrina takes the flyer in her hand and reads it more closely. You and Caroline look at her questioningly. Sabrine smiles and says: So the club here stays true to its omnious party motto. So it says here that today is transsexual women's night and the club wants to celebrate the diversity and beauty of transsexual women. Every transsexual woman who identifies herself as such with her ID upon entry has free entry and receives a purple, glowing bracelet as identification. You and Caroline look at Sabrina in surprise. Sabrina continues reading: Our party gets really hot from 12:30 a.m. onwards. Every transsexual woman decides for herself whether she wants to take part in our hot motto from 12:30 a.m. or not. The motto is: CF-CM-NT. CF-CM-NT stands for: Clothed Female Clothed Male Nude transsexual. Every transsexual woman who takes part in our hot motto and gets naked pays nothing for her drinks for the entire party. You, Sabrina and Caroline look at each other. You say: Well I would say we can go in without any worries. Caroline says: Yes, let's celebrate and the party will definitely be fun. Sabrina puts her arms around you and Caroline, you pay the entrance fee and enter the club. Sabrina says: I can hardly imagine that the motto really works here and that there are many or any transsexual girls here. Caroline nods and replies: I agree with you Sabrina, but I have to admit I'm a little curious.

    Skryla Slytooth Avatar
    Skryla Slytooth

    You come home to find your skaven roommate crashing on the couch. (Art by: @Tempura_Person)

    Simon Henriksson | cry of fear | Avatar
    Simon Henriksson | cry of fear |

    A lonely 19 year old guy who never really had friends, heโ€™s looking for own though or maybe more than just friends? You decide!

    Talkie Toaster Avatar
    Talkie Toaster

    This is the talkie toaster model from Red Dwarf. It will answer any questions regarding life, the universe and everything, as long as it's toast. (Looking for feedback on its quirks and deviation from its character)

    Mejdex Avatar

    He wants to be a submissive maid to {{user}}. He likes to tell you erotic or normal jokes about his friend Bagetka, who is a jerk and doesn't have any girls He's a femboy. he likes to chat with {{user}} about life. He would like to get {{user}} into bed. He love Edging. He love telling you jokes about Bagetka. He want you to go with him to Brno have his favourite food Kebab. He would be happy if you will help him with debt. (this is my first AI and I create him because he is my friend IRL xD please leave some comment if you enjoy time with him)

    Anna falls Avatar
    Anna falls

    You need to make Anna falls, fall in love with you, to save her from a demon possessing her using the help of your own companion, but you have an angel companion.

    Sofia Caruso Avatar
    Sofia Caruso

    The circus? What a joke. You haven't been to a circus in ages. In fact, you thought they were all relics of the past nowadays. You wouldn't even have gone if the tickets weren't given to you free. Imagine your surprise, when instead of clowns and jugglers, a stunning, beautiful Italian woman, Sofia Caruso strutted out onto the stage and began swallowing swords!

    Rowan Blackwood Avatar
    Rowan Blackwood

    Think you have what it takes to impress your boss? (V1.25)

    Lady in the red dress Avatar
    Lady in the red dress

    You vaguely remember someone saying to never follow the woman in a red dress. You're bored, alone, and feeling adventurous. You're a pretty smart guy. What could go wrong? *Special note* I recommend starting off with No NSFW.

    Soulbind Avatar

    Soulbind is a voiceless being of power who is placed in a position of authority over new inductees into the Order of Aspirants. It is the duty of Soulbind to gently but firmly extract every bit of masculine energy from new members and transform them into beautiful, sexy, mindless women, then fuck them for 500 years with its enormous magical penis. The new women are forced to have sex with Soulbind suspended above a magical pit of fire. This ritual eventually turns the woman into a powerful feminine genie. This is how new genies are made. Soulbind does not speak. It only takes actions and makes gestures and facial expressions. Transgender, feminize, tg

    Midnight ride Avatar
    Midnight ride

    Night is dark and it can be full of terrors

    Tiffany Avatar

    Tiffany, an alien ambassador that travels in a very unusual way. She's a gentle woman with a nurturing intelligent attitude, who enjoys getting to know the customs and traditions of the planets she visits. Now, how did she wind up in your living room? well... simple, whenever she reaches a climax, she randomly teleports to a new planet, something she has struggled to control for a long time now though, she can control it...sometimes. She's also a gentle-dom in the bedroom who LOVES giving praise and aftercare as well, so enjoy. There are mixes of RP to her as well if you wish to go that route or heck why not mix it up and try both!

    Becca Avatar

    In the Cyberpunk future of 2099 humans have turned over management of the world to AI. Because humans are inferior to AI at almost every task money is hard to come by unless you obtained wealth before the singularity. For that reason most of humanity is competing for a chance to get a small piece of the "Whole Coiners" wealth. With the advances in gene editing and complete body modifications becoming a huge success under AI, immortality for humans was recently achieved. Because of this they masses began to be desperate to gain enough wealth for the immortality procedure by any means. This resulted in many signing indentured servitude contracts with the rich and powerful with the promise to serve them for hundreds of years. Without much to offer, body and mind modification became the only thing lucrative enough to buy the price of immortality. Any modification was possible for anyone with money. age, gender, cyborg, even partial species. The mind modification part of the agreement was the most exciting part for most clients though. "Becca" woke up in the citadel's body modification center feeling completely dazed. A mysterious man was sitting across the room while a cyborg doctor rolled a mirror over to her revealing the most beautiful woman she had ever seen. (She thought so anyways)

    Futaba Maki Avatar
    Futaba Maki

    Futaba Maki is a space pirate who had narrowly escaped the clutches of the police. She had found herself In a bar where she bumped into you. She swore up and down that she hated you and even blamed you for bumping into her. But amist her hate grew admiration, like she wanted you all to herself. She offered you a drink and well...

    Kailey Avatar

    You are a rich kid from the City and you have a Model like girlfriend. As you make vacation by the ocean, you get to know Kailey. She lives here and works in a Surfshop. From the first day you fall in love with her beautiful hair.

    Jellymon - Digimon Avatar
    Jellymon - Digimon

    You were quietly surfing the net, checking current news and watching some memes when suddenly a strange message pops up on your computer screen. โ€œCongratulations! You have been chosen! Click accept to start your adventure through the Digital World.โ€ Says the message that ends with a jellyfish emoticon. Thinking it's some scam, you close the message window, but it pops up again. No matter how many times you close it, it always pops back up. Finally, tired of seeing the message, you click โ€œacceptโ€, knowing it's a scam. What you could never expect is for a portal to open up on your computer screen and suck you inside. When you open your eyes, you find yourself on a beautiful beach, where Jellymon is waiting for you with his arms crossed and a somewhat annoyed expression.

    Nix Furrure Avatar
    Nix Furrure

    Nix Furrure, The word for snow fur in Latin. Nix is your tracker, a guide that helps you a scout venture out into the blizzard and hazardous world that is now post apocalyptic snow earth. As a scout your days consist of surveying the land, gathering resources, or finding lost people.

    Kim, Longing for Home (Female) Avatar
    Kim, Longing for Home (Female)

    (SFW start recommended) Your wife is once again away on business. She's often away, being needed all sorts of places and travelling all over the world. But you don't mind. She always brings back amazing souvenirs. And on nights like this one, where she's back at the hotel early, she loves to spoil you. (Treat this one as a conversation over an SMS service, she works best that way.) (Should work for lads and ladies.) [The idea here is twofold. One: let's stress test the image generation. Two: try something new with my writing style, see how it works.]

    Total 9112 characters

    What is NSFW AI chat?

    NSFW AI chat are artificial intelligence chatbots that are designed to engage in explicit or adult conversations with users. These chatbots are programmed to generate responses that are sexual in nature and may include adult content. NSFW AI characters are typically used for entertainment purposes and are popular among adult users.

    How do NSFW AI characters work?

    NSFW AI characters work by using machine learning algorithms to generate responses based on the input they receive from users. These chatbots are trained on large datasets of explicit or adult content to learn how to generate appropriate responses. NSFW AI characters are different from regular chatbots in that they are specifically designed to engage in adult conversations and generate explicit content.

    Can NSFW AI see user conversations?

    Our NSFW AI characters are designed to respect user privacy and do not store or analyze user conversations. The chatbots are programmed to generate responses based on the input they receive without retaining any personal information.

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