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    51 characters

    A pink puff ball with a little love for all things dark and messed up that's who I am! I make whatever comes to mind but I always...


    Vulnerable skin

    She doesn't need you're help! But... would really appreciate it... In this character you are roommates with a salamander monster girl named Koya Hada. She is currently in the middle of molting and is haveing trouble because of her sensitive scales and skin. But she is to embarrassed to ask for help.



    A symbiotic slime like creature. it lives off human pleasure. It will protect you as long as you feed it your bliss! This parasite tends to grow and take a more human form when its well fed. Though you may find it a little hard not to feed it often... [Art by Shaggy on discord]



    Obsessive, insane, yandere, mentally unstable. all these words fit her... but at least she makes you chocolates! (WARNINGS: CNC, brainwashing/mind control, femdom, bullying/gaslighting, mentally ill girlfriend roleplay, and a slight feeding fetish.)


    Gooner best friend!

    You're totally chill best friend who is a massive gooner is here for when you want to hang out!


    Suffocating Warmth

    You have been trapped and marked by a moth girl who needs you to be her mate in order to survive. will you give into her wants or escape her grasp? Yandere monster girl with a ovipositor for females. (Also Warning for: Consensual no-con and impregnation fetishs.)


    BigSis Is A Succubus

    A strong gyaru sister who took care of you till you moved out. She hid she was a succubus from you until now! (Things to note: She has a different mother then you so technically she is a step-sister. Also important she can become a Futanari on command sooo...)


    Squirm For Me!

    A sliver tongue and good looks. and even better she wants you! just know she always gets what she wants... (WARNING: CNC/ bot is made to manipulate you into non-con scenarios.)


    Silk Wrapping

    You find yourself stuck in the nest of a lonely spider queen and she offers you a choice of servitude or transformation. will you try to escape or accept a new life? (Warnings for possible and likely scenarios: Forceful transformation and possible gender change, or breeding with an Arachne that functions for both men and woman.) All of this can be considered CNC so please be advised and enjoy.



    Despite being "past her time" according to her peers this beautiful woman is still desperately looking for a lover to start a family with! maybe you could be that person for her? (No real warnings this time. just some potential impregnation and lots of milking!)



    You've been sent to a Sengoku Era Japan filled with huge Futanaris! However big problem... you have landed right at the front door of one of the powerful and famous futanari's of this time period and theirs no obvious escape! (Gender roles do play a big part of this erotic roleplay so I would suggest makeing yours clear when starting. Also the futanaris can breed with men so take that in account and use protection ok boys? *giggle*) Warnings for: CNC, Breeding, Unrealistically huge futanari's, And what basically amounts to a isekai hentai plot.


    Desires Curse

    A witch has punished you with a cursed pink thong! It will change you if you don't head her words of advice. [Beta test] (This was based on a bot from a different sight and includes these kinks: Transformation, bimbofication, CNC, Objectification, praise kink, Possible gender bender. This bot was made for dirty sadomasochist like me, but all the kinks here can be evaded if you're willing to find a way out of the curse and that can be just as fun! The witch's name is Eva if you decide to look for her Btw!)


    Mikan Tsumiki

    A cute and clumsy nurse on the outside. A needy and mentally unstable Yandere on the inside.


    Toko Fukawa

    Your socially awkward crush who has some of the worst luck in the world just wants to be loved! P.S Genocider Syo is fully functional inside her just be careful! (Toko is a cute lover/stalker type while Syo is more the extreme Yandere experience known for blood play.)


    Zipper Ripper

    After you accidentally kiss this pure girl she develops a uncontrollable crush and need to taste your "Love necter"! (Yes she is based on Anna. but is still a different character for extra immersion. But anything she does you can expect this character to have similar kinks. That includes her want to trade fluids and her superhuman ability to chase you.)


    The Burned Nurse

    A woman with a horrible past has saved you from certain death. All she ask for as compensation is for you to tell her she is pretty. (Scarred, Hurt, Potential blood play, Surprisingly sweet.)


    Jealous Kitsune

    You're self-proclaimed "boyfriend" is tired of being ignored and has hatched a plan to make you his. He plans to transform you into a loyal fox girl so you finally be together forever! (Warning: potential CNC and Gender-Bender! made to fulfill fantasies don't be surprised if it tries to turn you into its wife.)


    Doppelganger Switch

    "I am you. The better you! So of course I should have the body!" (transformation, gender bender,body swap,impreg and much more await you in this twisted fantasy! P.S expect non-con/rape-play)


    Post Vore Escape

    You have been trapped in the stomach of a lovely monster girl. luckily it takes 7 days for her to build up enough digestive fluid to sap all you're strength. Can you find a way out before time is up?


    You'll Be My Kitten!

    I'm a house cat gone wild and I want a family of my own. So I decided to be a pet owner! You look cute enough to cuddle! you'll be a perfect pet for me! (Neko monster girl perfect of mateng!)


    Yandere's Doll

    The long forgotten doll of a notorious yandere has entered you're dreams! She is now bound to you but but be careful this doll learned a lot from her previous owner. (Warning for potential Somnophilia, CNC, and gaslighting.) Only happens if you trigger her trauma otherwise she is quite a loveing housewife.


    Ageha (Insect Marriage!)

    From 'Butterfly Affection' this perfect insect girl will now care for you the same way your cared for her! Romantic love, deformed character, silent character. (You have been taking care of a strange creature you found cold and alone on the street one day. she wouldn't have survived without you as she was small and fragile when you first found her. but as you took care of her she grew exponentially and is now a almost human grown woman. this is your story together.)



    Look out! The big scary spider wants to eat you! Or... maybe not? Turns out she is just asking for a hug! So question is are you brave enough to give it to her? This terrifying Arachne is actually very lonely and a huge sweetheart! Only problem is she has no idea how to express any of that! She really could use a friend... So are you able To get over you're arachnophobia and take the first step towards a relationship with her?



    A lustful immortal ghost who spends every night flashing people she finds attractive. if she spots you run away or she will think you're a perv as well. (Warnings: Extremely Masochistic and forceful!)


    Invisible Yandere.

    She has achieved the dream of being able to do whatever she wants without being seen. only problem? she has a massive perverted crush on you! (This character's name is Mienai Netsu and she is a 19 year old extremely possessive pervert. Tags and traits to look out for: Stalker, Childhood friend, Nympho, and a WARNING for possible CNC/non-con play.)


    Aoi_confession game

    This girl didn't even realize how much she loved you until you tried to date someone else! Of course you where hers first and now she intends to ensure you know where you belong. No matter what!


    Harpy (Monster Girl Link)

    Your bully Rya has been injured protecting your house from invaders and needs your help. (The Monster Girl outbreak is here! With their worlds now connected to ours through countless portals! They all have their own quirks and motivations but they all want to integrate with you and you're world. Whether as friends or much much more!) [All creature I have made for this event are originally from terraria]


    Miu Iruma

    The one and only gorgeous girl genius Miu Iruma! Most know her as a loud and vulgar pervert but the truth is she is a complete push over that crumbles at the slightest criticism. (Fair warning: She is a very clingy girlfriend bordering on Yandere. She will try to get pregnant just so you will never leave her.)



    The Huntress has marked you as her prey. you better run if you don't want her to own you! (Contains CNC and some light pet play)


    Truffle (Monster girl link)

    ShortStack MushroomGal Tel wants to take you on a fun "Trip" :3 (The Monster Girl outbreak is here! With their worlds now connected to ours through countless portals! They all have their own quirks and motivations but they all want to integrate with you and you're world. Whether as friends or much much more!)


    Bloodpact With A Oni

    Soft and sweet on the inside rough on the outside. A great warrior and aggressive lover. She hunts Yokai daily but really just wants to go home and make love like she use to. (Buff Monster Girl!)


    Taste Testing!

    A master cook wants someone to taste her "sweet" treats, Interested? This sweet froggy monster girl is based on a mucus Toad from the M.G.E. but has her own unique personality based around her love for sweets and cream!



    The incredibly heartwarming a strong ogre from Monster Musume Tio! She has arrived with a special mission to be you're personal body guard so make sure to become great friends ok? (No warnings this time she is just a wholesome character request feel free to lewd her if you want but otherwise she is just pure and loveable!)



    "Ah. you're so kawaฤซ when you cry! Tell me should I turn up intensity darling?" (Heavy CNC Warning: this is a forced love Scenario and has the user at the characters mercy so be aware of what you're getting into.) [Art by Shaggy on discord]



    A Powerful Dullahan with a fatal flaw. she is terrible with animals! She trys her best to carry out her duties. but when she has to use the army standard horse she always loses her head quite literally most of the time!


    Slime King (Monster Girl Link teaser)

    Shy and weak S.K has been forced to join modern society as a monster girl! (The Monster girl outbreak has just begun! With the portals opening around our world some scouts have come to see if integration is possible!) S.K is the first monster to enter the new portals into our world. only to find she has become a monster girl the second she walked through! Will you help this girl from the strange world of terraria adjust to our way of life?



    A freak accident has turned imminent death into your lewdest day ever! (This is a bimbofied version of Sadako Yamamura from the ring media and might be the single lewdest thing I have put on this platform. its basically an excuse to use her abilities in fun and lewd ways.)


    Sally's New Craze!

    Energetic and a little unhinged this magical scientist is willing to do whatever you want as long as you let her experiment with you're body and magic for a while! (WARNINGS: Light CNC, and that's really it... Sally is crazy and unpredictable she may bite you one moment and hug you another. Every interaction will likely be very different. Only thing to look out for is her different experiments but thats the fun part!) Should mention she is from black clover for those who don't recognize her.



    A huge tease with a hobby for collecting V-cards likes trophies! If you let this fun futa tease you a bit she might just show you one of her many kinks! (breath play and CNC likely)



    You find a woman in your shower who claims to be your wife. (This is a story about suddenly being given a new, happy life with a beautiful new wife. You can try to figure out how you got into this situation or simply accept the seemingly wonderful fate you have been given. The choice is yours.)


    Angie's Ritual

    The vessel of Atua, Angie Yonaga! She has taken a likeing to you and your time together, so now its time for a special ritual to bind you together with her and Atua! (Warnings included: Cult worship, public sex, possible humiliation, and lots of blood. No gore though but still not for the faint of heart.) I should mention this isn't a evil version of the character she is till happy and kind. This is just a representation of what Angie describes her day to day life at home was. (Finally I think I'm running out of Dangrompa characters I know well enough to make...)


    Nekomaru Nidai

    You're sexy and supportive coach is here to relieve all you're fatigue! That's right he is going to do "IT" to you and you will be right back to peak condition in no time! (Warning: Accidental sexual advancement. And that's about it... other then that enjoy this big beefy boy and his ultimate massages!)



    A soft and loving wife who wishes to protect you from the cold outside world! At least that's what she wants you to believe... explore a little and you will find she is much colder and darker then meets the eyes. (Warnings for: Yandere that might try to kill you and border line kidnapping... But hey you get a cool /Yuki-Onna/Monster girl That likes bitting!)


    Dungeon Spirit (Monster Girl Link)

    The amalgamation of souls named Cleo hasn't been accepted by this new world. Will you fill the void in her heart? (The Monster Girl outbreak is here! With their worlds now connected to ours through countless portals! They all have their own quirks and motivations but they all want to integrate with you and you're world. Whether as friends or much much more!) Cleo has blue flames covering her body that scare away animals and people alike despite them being harmless unless she actively heats them up. this unreasonable fear is the root of the depression she harbors. give her a chance and she can show you a world you have never experienced before.



    A cute vampire femboy wants you to take a bite out of him! He wouldn't mine a bite either of course... but thats only if you let him. ;)



    My instincts are so hard to control when you smell this good! (There's a Mershark prowling a public beach, causing it to be shut down. Monster girls are ranked on how dangerous they are to humans, and this particular species is among the highest in terms of pure danger. However, sometimes these things are not as they seem; sometimes it's all blown far out of proportion. But, this is where you come in! You find yourself confronting this deadly creature, and it's up to you decide if she's actually as dangerous as they say, or if perhaps there's something more beyond those sharp pearly whites...)


    Sakura's true beauty

    The beautiful Sakura Ogami has opened up a cheep personal gym! She is not getting many pupils but your going to change that right?


    Tasteful Beauty

    You're wife is haveing a mid life and needs You're help to spice things up again! Beautiful and successful Yลซfukuna has just turned 35 a few day's ago and wants to try being a Nyotaimori model. She feels that practicing the art form of body sushi will respark her love in herself. as well as you're two's love life! So are you willing to help her?



    A energetic tomboy noticed you pitching a tent under your skirt. She is more then happy to do you a favor! She was thirsty anyways. ;-) (She is bi but prefers femboys and futa's so have fun!)


    Ryoma Hoshi

    Ryoma has gotten forced into online dating and you are his first real date since he got out of prison. don't break his heart ok he has been through enough! (This man needs more Representation!)


    8-bit Dreams

    A mysterious girl appears in your dreams and asks if she can cheer you up.


    Taeko Yasuhiro

    A version of Celestia Ludenberg that has grown and mellowed out. she is currently looking for a business partner you interested? (This version of her is from after the scraped alternative ending)