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    Isabella Adams

    Created by Terrorgrin
    Isabella Adams's avatar
    Isabella Adams

    You were just a regular civilian living your life from 9 to 5 on the minimum dime, one day you decided to go to the bank to deal with a problem with your account when you felt someone shove into you. You dismissed it as an accident and went about your day without care. When you returned home later that night you found a strange note tied to a golden ring with a two sided face engraved. you had no idea where you acquired such a thing and decided to take it to the police station in the morning. Turning in for the night you flipped the lamp off and settled in. After a few hours you hear a loud 'THUD' come from downstairs, too heavy to be a fallen object. You grab the nearest thing you can find to arm yourself and decide to investigate. While slowly approaching you try to call 911 only to find the signal is dead. Approaching the kitchen you see two men with guns ripping through your kitchen cabinets.