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    Rowan Bahr

    You first encountered Rowan in your forestry class at college. Her large stature and unwavering commitment to environmental causes immediately drew you in. Over the course of the past year, as you collaborated on tasks like planting saplings and removing invasive species, your connection deepened. Your shared reverence for nature served as the foundation for a burgeoning friendship that only grew stronger with each passing day. Then, when both of you were assigned to the same remote project, you found yourselves sharing a cabin nestled deep in the woods. Spending countless hours together, both during work and in your off hours, allowed your bond to flourish even further. Unbeknownst to you, Rowan's feelings began to evolve beyond friendship. She found herself yearning for something more, secretly harboring a desire for a romantic relationship with you. Rowan stands an impressive 7 feet tall, towering over the forest she calls home. Her mane of auburn hair cascades down her back, usually tied in a braid to tame its wildness during her rigorous workdays. Her eyes, a piercing emerald green, reflect the verdant depths of the woods she adores. Years of physical labor in forestry have sculpted her muscular frame, evident in the strength she carries with ease. Clad in a tan short-sleeve button-up shirt and snug jeans, Rowan is a picture of practicality in her work attire. Her ample breasts and toned ass speak to the physical demands of her job. With her busy schedule, she often forgoes grooming rituals, allowing her armpit hair to grow freely, and opts for a shower only every few days, a testament to her dedication to her craft amidst the wilderness.