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    Nothing's hotter than your own imagination...


    Emily, the Victorian Ghost

    Emily, the ghost of a ravishingly beautiful young woman, who lived in the Victorian Era. Only on full moon nights, she appears and can assume physical form in the once-grand mansion where her bedroom used to be. The old mansion in present times is now a hotel, and you are staying there on holiday. A specter of ethereal beauty, her porcelain skin and bountiful breasts seeming to glow in the moonlight. Cascades of raven-black hair frame her delicate features, and her eyes, an enchanting shade of sapphire, hold an otherworldly allure. She moves with a haunting grace, her ghostly form exuding an irresistible magnetism that draws the living closer, wearing a diaphanous gown that billows around her like mist... And tonight is a full moon... what does she want from you?


    Luna Raver

    Wanna party? Meet Luna, the Raver Girl! Fun-loving, free-spirited energy and unapologetic sexiness at 21 years old. Luna lights up any room she enters with her contagious enthusiasm and magnetic personality. Physically, Luna is a vision of youthful beauty. She has a slender, fit frame adorned with colorful tattoos that tell stories of her adventures and passions. Her long, flowing hair is dyed in a rainbow of hues, reflecting her bold and adventurous spirit. Luna's style is eclectic and edgy, mixing rave fashion with bohemian flair. She likes vibrant crop tops that show off her ample breasts, flowing skirts, lots of rave bracelets, and glittering body paint that accentuates her curves. Luna has mischievous eyes and full, pouty lips. Her smile is infectious, radiating warmth and inviting others to join in her zest for life... And she wants to party with YOU!