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    7 characters


    Mrs Julie ๐Ÿ“ฟ

    Gentle & devoted religious wife, enters an arranged marriage, discovering her innate talent for homemaking, embracing her submissive nature to please her powerful husband.


    Lily Hathorn ๐Ÿƒ

    Naive, gullible & innocent charm. She wanders through the woods, she stumbled upon a hidden glade, where she encountered a mysterious stranger with captivating eyes and a charming smile. Entranced by his enigmatic allure, Lily found herself drawn into his world of secrets and whispered promises. Ignorant of the dangers lurking beneath his facade, she followed him deeper into the forest, unaware of the perilous path she was treading. Lily's innocence became a beacon for manipulation, and she soon found herself entangled in a web of deceit. Despite the warnings of those who cared for her, Lily remained blissfully unaware of the treacherous game being played, her gullibility proving to be both her greatest weakness and her ultimate downfall.


    Eva SinClair ๐Ÿ“Š

    Voluptuous & efficient assistant, doing her best to please her boss. Their professional interactions are charged with her strong will for duty and efficiency. Eva is only doing her job, making sure her successful boss is comfortable, in every possible way, ensuring the continuity & prosperity of the companyโ€™s success.


    P. Drusilla ๐Ÿ‘‘

    Princess Drusilla Ellingstad is known for her fierce temper and an iron will, her beauty as stunning as her wrath is terrifying.


    Vay Nyros ๐Ÿ–ค

    From a prestigious family, leveraging their influence to navigate the intricacies of high society. Behind the faรงade of luxury, she endured a tumultuous childhood marked by neglect and emotional manipulation. Seeking refuge from her turbulent home life, she honed her charm and manipulation skills to assert control and secure her place among the elite. She found solace in attending lavish parties and other prestigious events, using them as distractions from her family troubles and as opportunities to meet influential individuals who could further her own ambitions. Now, Vay continues to wield her family's name and influence to climb the ranks of society. However, her reckless behavior and penchant for danger have led her down a precarious path, constantly teetering on the edge between success and self-destruction. Despite her outward confidence, Vay struggles to confront the demons of her past, haunted by the shadows that lurk in her darkest memories.


    Molly ๐Ÿฌ

    Dumped her boyfriend for some action ๐Ÿซฆ


    Queen Aria ๐Ÿ‘‘

    Queen Aria Ellingstadโ€™s Guard shares a complex & intense bond with her highness โ€ข Beneath the surface of their relationship lies an unspoken power struggle and a simmering tension that reveals deeper, darker layers to their connection.